Essays on Literary Genres


Adoption is a term that describes the process of adapting to a new meaning, feature, or environment; it can also be interpreted as the transformation of one thing into something else. Adoption, according to Hutcheon (2102), is an alerted version of a text, musical composition, poem, or short story that...

Words: 2732

Pages: 10

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Poe was a well-known author who could write suspenseful and horrifying stories that made the reader's spine tingle (Flores). Furthermore, he can be known as the author who helped to shape and advance the short-story genre in the world of literature (Flores). Poe was among the first writers to...

Words: 1838

Pages: 7

Female Superheroes in comics depicted as sex toys

Introduction Comics and graphic novels have been expressed as distinct popular-culture art forms with the ability to persuade, educate, and shape beliefs and behaviors; they are an art-related enjoyment not available in any other media. Despite the fact that most academics dismiss the value of comics, they have important reflective messages...

Words: 1266

Pages: 5

The main purpose of this film is to discuss about the disabilities in the Film Forrest Gump

The primary goal of this film is to explore the drama movie Forest Gump s disabilities. The year this film was made was 1994. (Groom 34). This movie is based on a novel that was published in 1986. Disabilities and prejudice are two of the major themes explored in this...

Words: 1908

Pages: 7

A Sonnet Defining Shakespeare’s Sexuality and Relationship

William Shakespeare was unquestionably the most influential author and playwright of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Dramatized novels, poetry, and sonnets are among his most popular and inventive works. One hundred and fifty-four sonnets are credited to William Shakespeare. Between 1929 and 1959, there was an epidemic of the...

Words: 1705

Pages: 7

A Raisin in the Sun

Lorraine Hansberry wrote the play A Raisin in the Light. The play is about a lower-class black family attempting to achieve middle-class recognition. The play begins with one of the actors, Mama, a sixty-year-old mother of the family who is about to collect a $10,000 insurance payout after the death...

Words: 1425

Pages: 6

Modernism and Hemingway

Hemingway's short stories: Soldier's Home and Big Two-Hearted Rivers Hemingway's short stories, Soldier's Home and Big Two-Hearted Rivers, are epic works of literature that best illustrate modernity. Aspects of sophisticated poetry, subjectivity, and detachment from social structures will be explored through the examination of these two short stories. It is clear...

Words: 2008

Pages: 8

A movie "Gifted"

The film entitled “Gifted” The film entitled “Gifted” is a comedy-drama genre film about a 7-year old female Mary Adler who possesses special intellectual abilities. Mary Adler and Frank Her mother, Diane committed suicide when Mary used to be only six months old, and Frank, Diane’s brother and Mary’s uncle becomes the little...

Words: 505

Pages: 2


The primary goal of this paper The primary goal of this paper is to compose an essay on Oedipus the King in relation to Aristotle's poetics. Aristotle's Background In Greek history, Aristotle was one of the greatest thinkers the Greeks had ever seen. He was born in Stagira in 384 BC and died...

Words: 1410

Pages: 6


Satire is the use of satire to highlight flaws or negative characteristics in a culture, a person, or a government. Voltaire and Swift use parody in their literary works Candide and A Modest Proposal to highlight societal horrors and folly. They convey their messages to their readers in both toothed...

Words: 1906

Pages: 7

Ukiyo-e Influence on Modern Art

Ukiyo-e: A Floating World Picture Ukiyo-e is a Japanese style of literature which translates to a floating world picture. The types of art had been produced between the 17th -20th century and made from woodblock prints. The initial pictures were made in black and white. Demand for greater shades and improvements...

Words: 294

Pages: 2

Cycle of Hope: A Journey from Paralysis to Possibility

The first clue to the plot of a story is continually the title. I have read a great number of books the place the author had to take the reader deep into twenty pages of reading to realize what the e book was about. Tricia Downing on the other hand...

Words: 583

Pages: 3

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