Essays on Infrastructure

Transportation Engineering

There are numerous fascinating areas of focus in civil engineering. Yet, one area in which I am becoming increasingly fascinated is traffic engineering. This branch of civil engineering entails the planning, geometric design, and operation of freeways, roads, and streets, as well as the related networks, network terminals, and natural...

Words: 316

Pages: 2

Kings Cross station

Together with St. Pancras, which opened 16 years later, Kings Cross station served as the hub of London's transportation system in the 19th century when it first opened in 1852. (Worthington and Awinda 2014, p. 207). The two locations were very significant in London, and even today, one can still...

Words: 3139

Pages: 12

Cisternal Maturation and COPI

One of the fundamental processes that explains how protein is transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the golgi bodies and then transferred to other locations is sternal maturation. The concept behind the transport is that golgi cisternae gradually convert into anterograde carriers for secretory transfer of protein. It proceeds through...

Words: 265

Pages: 1

Uber's market Share

In the US, Uber's Market Share In the US, Uber has a sizable market share as a transportation company. According to Bloomberg Eric Newcomer, it has a market share of between 84 and 87 percent in the US. According to Section 2 of the Sherman Act of 1890, the use of...

Words: 462

Pages: 2

globalization impact

Economic technological progress has resulted in the migration of people around the world. Both have been facilitated by increased transportation means, as well as improved methods of moving people and goods. Technology has since increased connectivity, allowing people all over the world to communicate more effectively and affordably. Many of...

Words: 1622

Pages: 6

Current state of the CSA program

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) of the Department of Transportation is in charge of maintaining the safety of commercial motor vehicles (Murray, 2016). As a result, many compliance tools are in place to enable the FMCSA to carry out its protection mandate. Safety Measurement System (SMS), Compliance, Security,...

Words: 975

Pages: 4

state autonomy and state capacity

State Liberty and State Capability in China State liberty, also known as state hegemony, refers to the right to rule oneself without intervention by other entities or countries. State capability refers to a country's ability to exercise substantial control over the results of its economic growth, political consolidation, civil wars, and...

Words: 1100

Pages: 4

Essay about Amusement Parks

An amusement park is a place that features a variety of different attractions and events. They are often themed and based on a central theme. Depending on the park, a single attraction can include multiple areas with varying themes. For example, a theme park can feature a roller coaster or...

Words: 751

Pages: 3

Plato's Republic

Introduction Since its publication in the early nineteenth century, Plato's Republic dialogue has been regarded as one of the most widely read dialogues. Socrates, as in other Plato compositions, takes center stage in this one. The Structure of Plato's Republic Plato's Republic is a structure that dates back to his middle age. Unlike...

Words: 918

Pages: 4

The Panama Canal - History, Construction, Tolls, and Impact on International Trade

The Panama Canal is an artificial 82-km waterway in Panama, dividing North and South America and connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It is a major conduit for maritime trade. In this article, we'll discuss its history, construction, tolls, and impact on international trade. Hopefully, you'll find this article to...

Words: 1008

Pages: 4

puerto rico a U.S. state

In the United States: The Mechanism of Statehood The mechanism by which a territory becomes a state in the United States is very complex. According to Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, only Congress has the authority to grant statehood to a territory. Furthermore, the establishment of new...

Words: 953

Pages: 4

Air Transportation Cargo

Aerospace is a term for people's continued effort in engineering and science to fly in the atmosphere successfully. This industry and business deal with inventing, operating, building, and maintaining aircraft and dealing with cargo transfer ventures. In a broader context, aerospace projects tend to promote different aerospace services in the...

Words: 2678

Pages: 10

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