Essays on Existence

The Argument for the Existence of God

Metaphysics and the Existence of God Metaphysics refers to a branch of philosophy that studies the life of being. For instance, it explores the presence of the universe, God, identity, space, and time. This paper will discuss if God exists because of the first motion. Also, the essay will use "metaphysics"...

Words: 1749

Pages: 7

The Problem of Evil and the Existence of God

Several theories have been used to either support or dispute the existence of a Supreme Being (Mackie 202). One of the arguments is the problem of evil which seek to disapprove the Judeo-Christian concept of God on the premise that if indeed He exists, and is all-knowing and all-powerful, He should...

Words: 1065

Pages: 4

Defense mechanisms are moreover a psychological response

According to Pavlov and Defense Mechanisms According to Pavlov, a man's ego uses various defensive mechanisms to cope with the problems and disputes of existence. Consequently, the goal is to keep the person healthy from anxieties that arise from potentially serious causes while also giving them a positive outlook on life...

Words: 840

Pages: 4

Existence Nature

Human beings live for a purpose much like any other living creature. The motives for life can be explained from various viewpoints depending on the situation and the context in which the issue of existence is posed. Surprisingly, many human beings cannot explain why they live and how they come...

Words: 844

Pages: 4

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