The Impact of Tertiary Industry on the Economy of Developed Countries

The Role of Tertiary Sectors in the Economic Development of Developed Countries Introduction Developed countries are on the verge of transforming into service economies as the market share of the tertiary industry employment and activities continue to be on the rise. For example in the United States, the service industry has witnessed...

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The Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage to $15/Hour

The issue of raising the minimum wage in the U.S. to $15/hour is a highly debated topic. While those supporting the idea are claiming that it will improve the lives of workers, the opponents believe that it will have negative implications for the economy. In this regard, I consider the...

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Tourism in Developing Countries

Tourism and Its Economic Impact Tourism is related to other disciplines including psychology, sociology, geography, etc. and is among the leading and fastest growing industries in the world. Studies indicate that recreational travel and tourism began in the early 1900s when Romans travelled to parts of Greece and Egypt for pleasure...

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Effects of Short-term Employment Contract on an Organization: A Case of Kenya Forest Service

Annotated Bibliography on Unethical Treatment of Contract Employees Wandera, H. T. (2011). The Effects Of Short-Term Employment Contract On An Organization: A Case Of Kenya Forest Service. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(21), 184-204. The study examined the effects of short-term employment on organizations. The findings of the study were...

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The Precariat Era

Capitalism and Labor Instability Capitalism has led to labor instability resulting in a large number of unemployed people (Standing, 13). Multinationals prefer unstable labor and have the resources to secure workers from many parts of the world (Standing, 17). Many young people have seen their parents trapped in employment are not...

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Shannon Albright Profile

Shannon Albright s Background and Experience She graduated from a US-accredited university with a degree in bookkeeping. Shannon Albright received her CPA certification. The worker was given a job in bookkeeping at a business in Atlanta, Georgia. Five years of valuable experience were aided by the business. Shannon is a capable...

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Maine History Chapter 19

The Impact of the Industrial Era on Communities in Maine The industrial era had an impact on many communities in Maine, including Eastport. This may have been facilitated by the erratic expansion of industries in urban regions. The expansion of the industries consequently led to greater uncertainty among people who had...

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Difference between Risk and Crisis Management

Defining and Distinguishing Risk Management and Crisis Management Defining or even distinguishing between the two words, risk management and crisis management, can be very difficult. The two words are frequently used interchangeably, even by those in the highest managerial positions, despite the fact that their usage and definition are completely different....

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The management should be aware that other payment practices, such as overtime rates for all employees, will change as a result of the new minimum wage rise. (Quackenbush, 2017). This gives workers an additional advantage. The business will face severe fines and penalties if it fails to comply with minimum wage...

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In human social affairs Discrimination is the taking into account or handling of making a distinction against or in favor of a person, thing, or group based on the category, class, or group to which the person, thing, or group is alleged to belong rather than on personal characteristics. Treatment of...

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Does minimum wage increase hinder or help teenagers under 21

The lowest salary that employers are legally permitted to pay their workers is referred to as a minimum wage. Workers who make less than the minimum wage might decline to offer their services. (Hovenga, Claire, Naik, and Block). The minimum wage is determined by the nation's labor regulations. In the...

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East Asian Foods

Introduction Despite their distinct cultures, traditions, and societal structures, China, Korea, and Japan, which make up East Asia, have a shared food culture that has persisted to the present day. Undoubtedly, as people moved from the Asian mainland to the Korean peninsula and then on to the Japanese archipelago, food culture...

Words: 1240

Pages: 5

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