Essays on Discovery

How Seaborne Europeans Transformed Various Environments between 1500 – 1900

Introduction Many European nations traveled the globe between 1500 and 1900 in search of uncharted territories, raw materials for their factories, and new, more advantageous trading possibilities. They used ships to travel across the vast oceans and seas on their journeys, traveling to Africa and North East Asia. They settled near...

Words: 1326

Pages: 5

Claude Levi-Strauss

The French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, who is credited with founding structural anthropology, made the claim that human beings tend to group together either physical or social objects, which explains the dichotomous nature of academic models of society. These models include local-cosmopolitan ones (Merton), folk-urban ones (Redfield), universalist ones (Parsons), and...

Words: 4294

Pages: 16

British, French, and Spanish Imperial Goals in North America between 1580 and 1763

The Three Major European Powers and Their Imperial Goals The three major European powers began to show interest in the recently discovered lands after Christopher Columbus' discovery of the New World in 1492. The French influence in Canada, the British influence in America, and the Spanish influence in Central and South...

Words: 660

Pages: 3

The discovery of America

The Impact of the Discovery of America The globe underwent a sea change after America was discovered. During the Columbian exchange and the eras before it, America's strategic location, human potential, and resource endowment provided a chance to advance agriculture, trade, societal development, and commerce. The modern United States of America...

Words: 986

Pages: 4

Africa - Ghana

Many scholars around the globe believe that Africa is the place where humanity first evolved. The findings revealed by various African scholars continue to lend credence to the idea that Africa is the cradle of humanity. The goals of this assignment are to provide a summary of the material covered...

Words: 405

Pages: 2

About The Shallow in the Deep

The Jeffersonian crew and the Slave Ship Wreck The Jeffersonian crew is tasked with identifying the skeletons recovered from a shipwreck that was a slave ship headed for New Orleans in Bones' Season 6, Episode 6. The gang had the benefit of having the ship's manifest, which contained the vital information...

Words: 903

Pages: 4


The chemical element cobalt The chemical element cobalt has a silvery or bluish white color. The element was discovered in 1935 by George Brandt (Greenwood, Norman and Alan 135). Erythrite, smaltite, and cobaltite are the main ores and sources of cobalt. The byproducts of the mining and processing of iron, copper,...

Words: 1002

Pages: 4

Titan moon

Christiaan Huygens discovered Titan's moon in 1655. (Tate, 2015). Titan's atmosphere is mostly made up of nitrogen and methane. Nitrogen accounts for 95% of the total, with methane accounting for 5%. (Tate, 2015). Other elements found on the moon, such as oxygen and carbon, are similar to those found on...

Words: 351

Pages: 2


The Neanderthals as Our Ancestors The fact that Neanderthals are part of our ancestors does not come as a surprise. They were the same size as humans and had almost identical morphological characteristics (Trinkaus & William 124). They, on the other hand, appeared to be shorter in stature but shared certain...

Words: 593

Pages: 3

Naomi Shihab Nye's one boy told me

In Naomi Shihab Nye's poetry "One Boy Told Me," the poet addresses a wide range of controversies that we face in our everyday lives. The poem's phrases demonstrate that words have the ability to restore everything to the soul if they are trusted. The poem portrays the aspect of proclaiming...

Words: 310

Pages: 2

Discovery of Meadowcroft Rockshelter

Meadowcroft Rockshelter: A Window into American History Meadowcroft Rockshelter is an American historical archaeological site. The site was originally found by a individual called Albert Miller returned in the year 1955 and it is a rock on the hillside phase of Avella in Pennsylvania. It is a masterpiece show of the...

Words: 1774

Pages: 7


Antidepressants are medications that are commonly used to treat depression. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Fluoxetine, are the most common type of antidepressant. In 1970, the role of serotonin in depression was discovered, leading to the development of the hypothesis that enhanced neurotransmission is a viable mechanism in mediating...

Words: 470

Pages: 2

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