Essays on Diabetes

As you work on a diabetes essay or obesity essay, you get a chance to educate yourself about this dangerous disorder. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar (glucose) levels due to certain defects in insulin secretion. Most essays on diabetes mention only two types of diabetes: 1 and 2. Type 1 diabetes is insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is non-insulin-dependent. In essays, people refer to it as an adult form of diabetes. Explore more types of diabetes in samples of diabetes essays. Among the consequences of diabetes are heart diseases; stroke; amputation; loss of vision; hearing impairment; bladder and kidney infections; erectile dysfunction and impotence. Check diabetes essay samples below for extra info on the issue.

Obesity and Diabetes

Discussion Board Prompt: In the readings, students will learn about the causes of obesity and know how to differentiate between obesity and being overweight. It is expected that everyone will be aware of BMI calculation where the square of their height divides a person's weight, and the result is expressed...

Words: 262

Pages: 1

Type 2 Diabetes Risks and Dangers

Type 2 Diabetes and its Complications Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition that occurs when the process of sugar metabolism is altered. The body’s main source of energy is sugar, and once the way the body metabolizes it is affected, almost all body processes are altered as well. Insulin is...

Words: 989

Pages: 4

Health Literacy in Diabetes Management

Health literacy is an extent to which one has the ability to acquire, to process and acknowledges information regarding health and the required services in order to make decisions appropriately. However, diabetes is one of the issues that the people need to beware and know how to control or manage....

Words: 1060

Pages: 4

Rural Ohio Appalachian

Rural Ohio Appalachia and Type 2 Diabetes Rural Ohio Appalachia has one of the highest rates of type 2 diabetes in the country. The main health discrepancy is that the illness primarily afflicted adults in the region as opposed to youngsters (WHO, 2017). Adults in Rural Ohio Appalachia have a higher...

Words: 1322

Pages: 5

Ways of Reducing Diabetes in a Community

Diabetes continues to be a potentially fatal condition that affects people from all socioeconomic levels. However, because of a number of circumstances, those from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to develop the illness. On time diagnosis and the inclusion of suitable therapies, the disease can be treated and managed....

Words: 1220

Pages: 5


Numerous studies have linked sleep deprivation to various negative physical, behavioral, and social outcomes (Gaspar, 2015). Lack of sleep has been linked to poor academic performance, diabetes, anxiety, risky behavior, and delinquency among adolescents, among other things. Most of the effect of not having enough sleep is believed to be...

Words: 1849

Pages: 7

Diseases that are prevalent in Spanish-speaking cultures

According to In Kopera-Frye (2017), external conditions, the population's daily activities, and the types of food products they consume also determine the prevalence of specific diseases in a given geographic region. Africans in Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, had never suffered from heart disease or diabetes before adopting a new diet....

Words: 857

Pages: 4

Type 2 Diabetes

The article sets out the different classifications of diabetes mellitus and shows an accurate diagnosis of the diabetic disease. The importance of the article is that it points out the various pathogenic pathways that contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Chou, Tin Kin, et al." "Misconceptions about smoking...

Words: 1085

Pages: 4

Genetic Testing

Multifactorial Diseases Multifactorial diseases demand greatest medical interest today. They are becoming responsible for the biggest number of deaths in many parts of the world today. Health deviations make a contribution largely to these diseases. Some of the common multifactorial illnesses include cancer, diabetes, psychiatric infections and among others. Diseases distribution...

Words: 330

Pages: 2

Type 1 Diabetes and Genetics

Type 1 diabetes (T1D), additionally referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes, is a disorder or a chronic situation characterized by substantially high blood sugar levels due to little or lack of insulin manufacturing by the pancreas. Insulin hormone is necessary for the absorption of sugar into the cells for strength production....

Words: 1139

Pages: 5

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