Essays on Construction

Three most interesting aspects of buildings

The Eiffel TowerThe first feature that distinguishes the Eiffel Tower is its height. The tower stands 324 meters tall and is said to weigh ten thousand tons. Because of this, it was the tallest man-made structure in the world before the completion of New York's Chrysler Building. Two, the exterior...

Words: 512

Pages: 2

Arch of Constantine

The Arch Design: A Source of Fame and Individuality The current article's aim was to outline the art history of the Constantine Arch. The significance of the architectural marvel in comparison to other temples in ancient Rome was emphasized. The essay further discussed the arch's historical significance and rarity in comparison...

Words: 1810

Pages: 7

zeus temple at olympia

As the title suggests, the topic of this paper is one of the most fascinating topics of debate, especially from a historical standpoint. There is so much to say about this Temple that there are whole books and scientific publications devoted to it. Some scholars have based their entire thesis...

Words: 1732

Pages: 7

Hotel of Les Invalides

Architectural systems have been changing over time, and they are becoming more and better. This paper discusses the historical past of the Hotel des Invalides as well as the hotel's overall structure. The Hotel des Invalides is a complex building located in Paris's 7th arrondissement. The hotel has a museum...

Words: 1898

Pages: 7

Construction of solid envelopes

The primary regulator of weather conditions that influence the interior of the building is the envelope. It protects the internal environment from extrinsic forces. As a result, under this light, the arrangement must be firm and stable. Envelopes are constructed using either load-bearing structures or frame structures (Dennis, 1983, pp....

Words: 797

Pages: 3


The design of a building's structural construction is a dynamic process that is influenced by a variety of considerations such as the structure's planned application, architectural design, structural framework, and the total loads the building is expected to carry. Throughout the project planning process, the engineer, contractor, and architect must...

Words: 524

Pages: 2

MU’s Campus Historic Quadrangle Appearance

A building's facade: A critical component of architectural architecture A building's facade is a critical component of architectural architecture. It is the main external component of any structure that is visible to the public (Charlen). It plays an important advertisement role in an economic climate, allowing a company to stand out...

Words: 948

Pages: 4

US Capitol to Greek/Roman/Egyptian architecture comparison

Architecture in the United States Because of the architecture of its capital city, which is truly a common blend, the United States is often referred to as a global melting pot. The influences of ancient Egypt, classical Rome, and Greece can be seen in the architecture of our most iconic structures,...

Words: 416

Pages: 2

The city and state where it is located

There are currently six types of building classifications. Buildings are graded based on two criteria. Both criteria are the building s fire resistance level and the building components included. Furthermore, the structure can be graded based on its intended use. As a result, the warehouse in question comes into the...

Words: 1874

Pages: 7

Frank Gehry-Architect 1929

Frank Gehry: A Renowned Architect Frank Gehry is a Canadian-American architect best known for his work on the Walt Disney Connect Hall in Los Angeles and the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. He was a very famous architect throughout his career, and as a result, he is still remembered today.Early Life...

Words: 873

Pages: 4


This is a civil report that summarizes the findings of a site investigation conducted in preparation for the construction of a sports field. The field of interest is located directly across from Wint's Q-block at Avalon University. The majority of the land is used for agriculture. There is a sports...

Words: 614

Pages: 3

Comparative analysis of three architects and their works

Modernist architecture, also known as Modern architecture, refers to a variety of architectural trends that emerged in the twentieth century. Architects emerged in the middle of the century and rose to prominence after World War II. It included the use of reinforced concrete, steel, and glass structures as the foundation...

Words: 1315

Pages: 5

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