US Capitol to Greek/Roman/Egyptian architecture comparison

Architecture in the United States

Because of the architecture of its capital city, which is truly a common blend, the United States is often referred to as a global melting pot. The influences of ancient Egypt, classical Rome, and Greece can be seen in the architecture of our most iconic structures, such as the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.

Washington Monument

The Washington Monument serves as the focal point for many of the capital's landmarks. Its strategy is based on Egyptian pillars discovered throughout the country. The building height requirements in the capital city-state that no building should be taller than twelve floors in order to not obstruct the view of this important landmark. A fine examination of this is the monolith raised to Thutmose 3, who ruled Egypt from fourteen twenty-five to fourteen seventy-nine. This landmark was transported to Constantinople by Emperor Theodosius. The likenesses amongst this and the Washington monument is strikingly self-evident. The Washington landmark is made out of marble while the Egypt pillar is made out of stone. The Washington landmark remains at 555 feet while the monolith of Theodosius stands 63.976 feet.

Lincoln Memorial

Another point of interest in the capital is the Lincoln memorial. Its creator was Henry Bacon who constructed its plan in light of a Greek sanctuary known as the Parthenon. Bacon felt that a remembrance to a man who shielded majority rule government ought to be founded on a structure found in the origination of popular government. The Lincoln memorial demonstrates the names of each of the thirty-six states in the union at Lincoln's demise while the Parthenon's Frieze speaks to the periods in the historical backdrop of Greece. The Doric order style is illustrative in both landmarks. The Cornice on the Parthenon is plain while that of Lincoln is finished with anticipating lions' heads and ornamented with palmetto peaking along the upper edge. Dissimilar to the Parthenon, the Lincoln does not have a positioning cornice. Rather, the veneer is stretched out upwards to incorporate another level divider.

US Capitol

The US capitol traces its roots from the Roman Pantheon, with its traditional segments, patio and pediment, was the model for the Capitol's unique dome and rotunda. Traditional sanctuaries filled in as prototype models for the structures of Washington. Statues and etched friezes of legendary divinities and figurative figures turned into the models for Washington's national imagery. Images of democracy based system, quality, learning and continuance established agnostic figures were most appropriate for the imagery of the American Enlightenment.

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