Why are People Obsessed with Supreme?

James Jebbia, who was born in the United States but raised in England, created the Supreme name. (Greene 56). One of the first shops to sell apparel, accessories, and skateboards along Manhattan's Lafayette Street was this one. It is well renowned for its punk rock, hip-hop, and skateboarding scenes. A...

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Pages: 9

Yves Saint Laurent influence on fashion

A person can express their personality and worldview through their clothing, accessories, make-up, and physical appearance. Style includes being dynamic and having the ability to reinvent oneself. In addition to representing aesthetic values, fashion trends have become effective communication tools for stylists to address social problems. Therefore, fashion walks a...

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Pages: 5

Philosophy of Mind: Physicalism

A Brain Takes Up Room A brain takes up room. But my mental states don't take up space: no matter how many worries I have, I don't need a bigger house to accommodate them all. As a result, my mental states are not the same as my brain states. Physicalism: The View...

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Pages: 10

The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G)

One of the biggest firms in the fast-moving consumer goods sector worldwide is The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G). Products for beauty, health, textiles, home, baby, feminine, family, and personal care are available from the company. Oral-B, Pampers, Ariel, Gillette, Fusion, Vicks, and Bounty are a few of the well-known...

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Pages: 9


Milton S. Hershey and the Creation of Hershey Milton S. Hershey had the brilliant idea to create a firm called Hershey in 1894 as a result of his love for creating delectable delights for people. His caramel business served as the catalyst for the development of the chocolate brand, which was...

Words: 2196

Pages: 8

Rebranding ACU

Rebranding is the process of giving a company or institution a new image, either through product packaging or by changing the brand's logo, mission statement, or core capabilities. One of the most important components of any company, huge, medium-sized, or small, is rebranding. A strong rebranding strategy can therefore give...

Words: 1966

Pages: 8

Fashion Industry and Brand Equity

Marketing results and brand equity Marketing results or effects of a product are represented in brand equity if the brand name suits all that it can accumulate without a brand identity (Ailawadi, Lehmann & Neslin. 2003). Brands with higher equity levels contribute to outstanding results which include stable pricing premiums, higher...

Words: 582

Pages: 3

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