Essays on Biology

Color of the Eyes

The human eyes have captivating shades of colors that fluctuate depending on the race of the person. The amount of melanin in the iris and the collagen fibers in the eyes mix to give the different colours of colors such as blue, black, and green. The brown color of the...

Words: 902

Pages: 4

The Provenance of Species

It is very frequent to hear people perpetuate details of a concern matter they are not pretty conversant to. For a long time, the misconception that human beings advanced from monkeys originated from an article that was written out of the mere misinterpretation of what Darwinism is by one Herbert...

Words: 950

Pages: 4

Linguistic Anthropology

The Fields of Anthropology The fields of anthropology encompass linguistic anthropology, which deals with the communication technique in human beings, cultural anthropology whose primary focus is gaining knowledge of the culture of different corporations of people within the society, and organic anthropology, which deals with non-cultural aspects as these of monkeys....

Words: 758

Pages: 3

Thermoregulation in Human Body

The Procedure of Thermoregulation The procedure by which the body regulates and continues its temperature is done through a procedure known as thermoregulation. The process entails the maintenance of temperature within positive limits even when the surrounding temperature is dissimilar. As such, the body usually continues a temperature ranging from 36.5...

Words: 491

Pages: 2

Existence Nature

Human beings live for a purpose much like any other living creature. The motives for life can be explained from various viewpoints depending on the situation and the context in which the issue of existence is posed. Surprisingly, many human beings cannot explain why they live and how they come...

Words: 844

Pages: 4

Handlebars by Flobots

Generally, handlebars refer to the steerage bars of a bicycle used to control the direction of its movement. Flobots utilizes this term to refer to the manner in which the government believes it can manipulate peoples lives by controlling the economy. The Video The video begins with two humans each controlling their...

Words: 850

Pages: 4

Biological Anthropology studies

The Field of Biological Anthropology The scientific discipline concerned with the behavioural and biological aspects of the human being, the related non-human primates and the extinct hominid ancestors is known as biological anthropology. It can however be also known as physical anthropology which is made up of various fields such as:...

Words: 497

Pages: 2

Film Analysis

In the year 1994 One of the most notable and remarkable archaeology discoveries of the decade got here to be known in a cave that is found in southern France referred to as Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc: etchings which are estimated to be around 30000 years old by means of age. The origin date...

Words: 630

Pages: 3

Demonization of Culture and Human Rights Law

The Perception of Anthropology and Culture For a lengthy time, the concept of culture has been a purpose of the sharp disagreement between the human rights activists and anthropologists with the anthropologists taking the blame for not supporting human rights. When a tribal council in Pakistan gave an order for a...

Words: 449

Pages: 2

Diagnosing Plant Health Issues

Diseases and pathogens affect the aesthetics of plants. Acquiring a working knowledge of the common signs and symptoms of crop diseases is that the best start line for effective crop management. These problems may result in failure , low-quality yield and premature death of plants. In diagnosing plant health problems,...

Words: 1354

Pages: 5


Afrofuturism is a tradition which was very common and well-known in the past, especially in the 19th century. It was once not too old, as it was no longer considered as a culture in the beginnings it used to be considered just as phenomena. It used to be created by...

Words: 1213

Pages: 5

Personality Psychology

Trait Theory Trait theory is an approach to the study of human personality that tests and describes the degree to which unique character characteristics occur from individual to person. The theory indicates that, regardless of the situation, characteristics remain consistent but differ among individuals. It also means that humans, regardless of...

Words: 700

Pages: 3

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