Essays on Biology

The Role of Women in the Society

The role of women in the society has been a subject of interest especially following the emergence of feminism that targets to empower woman across the globe. The female body has been the center of debate throughout history with different cultures presenting varied opinions on the way a woman should...

Words: 4257

Pages: 16

The Nature of Teenagers

Teenagers and Evolution Teenagers are products of mutations, which occurred in earlier centuries. As the film notes, the human brain has evolved three times since creation, that is, about three million years ago and after 300,000 years ago. However, these two changes only added up about 50 percent of the size...

Words: 343

Pages: 2

Respecting Evolution, Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer

Evolution can be defined as the process by which change is accumulated over time. The change is gradual and leads to a more complex form. Charles Darwin who is a British is said to be the father of evolution theory, his theory of natural selection brought a great revolution in...

Words: 1096

Pages: 4

The Importance of Experience and Biology in Adolescence

Adolescence is the stage in life that lasts from puberty to full adult status. Adolescence largely describes the developmental change from childhood to adulthood, which is commonly perceived as the teenage years lasting between 13 and 19. However, the changes that do signal the beginning of the transition, both psychological...

Words: 1239

Pages: 5

Physiological Mechanism Explaining Aspects of Opposing Processes

 The human body displays various reactions that are characterized by opposing tendencies. Such tendencies affect flight and fight reactions, feeling hungry, and nerve firing among many other body processes. This paper will use psychological and physical mechanisms to explain how various opposing processes apply to the automatic nervous system, color...

Words: 567

Pages: 3

The Relationship Between Science and Intelligent Design

There has been a lot of debate on the qualification of the concept of intelligent design in the science realm. While some scientists and philosophers argue that the arguments presented in the intelligent design context cannot be observed and tested and can only exist as a quasi-religious doctrine, others hold...

Words: 1356

Pages: 5

The Dualism of Descartes and Darwin

Descartes' Dualism vs. Darwinian Monism Descartes’ dualism has been considered a philosophical concept that aids in the understanding of the mind-body relationship. Descartes asserted that the mind and body are two separate entities amidst the fact that they are ‘joined’ to perform a particular function among humanity. While Descartes believes in...

Words: 866

Pages: 4

The Brain and Mind Are the Same

It is common for individuals to use the words mind and brain interchangeably but the question at hand is, are these two the same? The logical description of brain implies the morphological and physical structure where the mind resides. The mind refers to the sum of all functional operations and...

Words: 1221

Pages: 5

Comparing Cats and Dogs

Similarities between Cats and Dogs For this particular discussion I am going to compare and contrast in detail the similarities and differences that exist between cats and dogs. First, we shall discuss the similarities. The most obvious similarity is the fact that both animals have hair on their body meaning that...

Words: 584

Pages: 3

Aristotle's View on Man as a Political Animal

“Man is by nature a political animal” (Aristotle and Reeve 4). In this regard, Aristotle insinuated that it is difficult for a man to live with no political association or in anarchy. There are certain needs for a man which can only be fulfilled by a political association. Therefore, Aristotle...

Words: 1239

Pages: 5

Evolutionary Psychology in Social Work

A Psychosocial Theory Concept Paper – AnnotatedBibliography Dissanayake, E. (2017). Ethology, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and Play: Insights into the Evolutionary Origin of the Arts. American Journal of Play, 9(2), 143-168. The article provides a deep description of the theory of human evolution and its relation to ethology, which is the study of social...

Words: 535

Pages: 2

The Evolutionary Origin of Play in Human Development

Dissanayake, E. (2017). Ethology, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and Play: Insights into the Evolutionary Origin of the Arts. American Journal of Play, 9(2), 143-168.             This article journal explores the theory of evolution tenet of ethology. Ethology is the study of behavior based on social contexts and adaptive significance. According to the author...

Words: 1815

Pages: 7

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