Essays on Aristotle

Aristotelian Perspective on Character Formation

Dr Tamar Gendler’s lecture on virtue and habit provides an Aristotelian perspective on character formation. The lecture makes a connection between philosophical perspectives on virtues, and the normative and descriptive laws that guide people’s habits. Dr Gendler suggests that character is formed by connecting normative laws with descriptive laws –...

Words: 914

Pages: 4

Aristotle on the Ideal Polis

Over the years there has not been a consensus by political researchers and philosophers on the idea of Aristotle on politics due to differences such as his belief in the inferiority of women and his acceptance of slavery. However, his views on the relationship between the citizens and that of...

Words: 998

Pages: 4

The Importance of Educated Minds

The quote by Aristotle: "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" has raised a platform for various debates on how people perceive rationale minds. The statement simply represents the open mind where one acquires the ability to be open...

Words: 1311

Pages: 5

Garth Brooks

Dr., you don't have a tablet.For whatever's making this planet illYou cannot purchase forgiveness from a shop.Additionally, peace is a politician's battle.No resolve can be found at the bottom of a bottle.The sun, the moon, or AristotlePeople liking people is the only solution to the issue.That is the adversary of...

Words: 291

Pages: 2


According to Aristotle, a speaker's capacity to persuade the audience is measured by how successfully they persuade them and how well they appeal to the audience. He went on to investigate three mechanisms that are ubiquitous in the process of presenting an argument, which he characterized as the rhetorical triangle,...

Words: 1209

Pages: 5

Aristotle And the Doctrine of Happiness as It Pertains to Drug Use

Aristotle's Philosophy of Happiness and Drug Use Aristotle was a significant proponent of theoretical knowledge in a variety of domains, including Ethics and Psychology. This discussion focuses primarily on Aristotle's philosophy of happiness and how it applies to drug use issues. It examined the underlying principles of pleasure and the building...

Words: 1496

Pages: 6

Human sexuality course reflection

The Lesson on Human Sexuality The lesson on human sexuality was fascinating. Plato and Aristotle both taught me about relationships and sex. These two academics discussed how pleasure is obtained in human relationships. Their teachings have taught me the importance of paying close attention to sexuality and gender issues in society. The...

Words: 288

Pages: 2

Aristotle Biography

The Writings of Mr. Aristotle The writings of one distinguished philosopher, Mr. Aristotle, shall be discussed in this article. The author of this article felt that it was important to first define the philosopher in order to provide the parties involved in this paper a more comprehensive understanding of what the...

Words: 1622

Pages: 6

BCE philosophers - theology and religion

Thomas Aquinas was influenced by Aristotle in his writings. The philosopher discusses the ideas of actuality and potentiality. Actually, he meant to be at work when he says that. Therefore, being at work, being a member of a specific species, or acting in a certain way are all aspects of...

Words: 990

Pages: 4

The normative political philosophy

The Foundation of Normative Moral Theory The works of Aristotle and Plato are the foundation of normative moral theory. They both argued that politics and ethics are inextricably linked and that a government's success should be measured in terms of its capacity to protect its citizens' moral rights. This philosophy is...

Words: 684

Pages: 3

The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle's most significant study

Introduction For many decades, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, his most important study of personal morality and the ends of human life, has been a widely read and influential text. Even though it was published over 2,000 years ago, it provides contemporary readers with insightful insights into human needs and behavior. It also...

Words: 1125

Pages: 5

Greek philosopher Aristotle

Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira in the province of Chalcidice in northern Greece, and his father died when he was a teenager. Proxenus of Artaneous became his guardian after his father died. Aristotle enrolled in Plato's Academy in Athens when he was eighteen years old and remained...

Words: 1170

Pages: 5

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