Essays on Anxiety

Anxiety essay is an important and task about the condition we all can relate to – most people felt anxiety at least once in their life, while some people deal with it every day. Some essay-writers define anxiety as an experience of emotional discomfort, associated with fear and feeling of impending danger. Others think that anxiety is a mental state of internal unease, imbalance, and, unlike fear, can be groundless and depend on purely subjective factors that are significant in the context of individual experience. Anxiety often combines feelings, described in anxiety essays, such as tension, restlessness, helplessness, uncertainty, agitation, fatigue, irritability, panic, etc. Look through our anxiety essay samples to pick up some more facts about anxiety. People’s samples of essays on anxiety serve as great sores of information, which can be useful for your essays about anxiety.

‘The Spirit Level’ by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson

The Spirit Level by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson highlights the negative effects that inequality has on societies, including how it encourages excessive spending, disease, rises in anxiety, and undermines trust. It shows that outcomes are noticeably poorer in richer, more unequal nations for each of the eleven different types...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5


Numerous studies have linked sleep deprivation to various negative physical, behavioral, and social outcomes (Gaspar, 2015). Lack of sleep has been linked to poor academic performance, diabetes, anxiety, risky behavior, and delinquency among adolescents, among other things. Most of the effect of not having enough sleep is believed to be...

Words: 1849

Pages: 7

relationships longevity affected by depression and anxiety

Depression and anxiety have been identified as extreme psychiatric conditions that have an impact on the duration of relationships. There is a need to grasp the nature of depression and anxiety in order to develop a better understanding of how depression and anxiety impact relationship durability. Depression is a serious...

Words: 2482

Pages: 10

Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder affects children and young adults who are distressing particularly in a social setting and hinder a person's social tolerance. Individuals with social anxiety disorders are facing intrinsic difficulties in a social setting that needs personal contact, evaluation or attention. In any case, however, it indicates the patient's expectation...

Words: 3861

Pages: 15

Psychoactive drugs

Psychoactive Medications and Psychological Effects Psychoactive medications contribute to psychological effects with multiple propensities. Established symptoms include anxiety, relief, and hallucinations. Although reinforcement is a vital factor in the use of drugs, it is accepted that increased substance dependence results in violence. Therefore, the benefit is short-term in a situation where...

Words: 317

Pages: 2

Drug Abuse in Colleges

College students account for the bulk of opioid users in the United States. Addiction is more common in young adults aged 18 to 26. Students who attend college full-time are twice as likely as people who do not attend college to be substance addicts. Many students experience significant social anxiety...

Words: 1472

Pages: 6

About Procrastination

Procrastination and Its Causes Procrastination is a method of avoidance in which by replacing other more pleasant tasks, people circumvent an activity. Anxiety regarding a future occurrence, either consciously or unconsciously, is the reason people procrastinate. It may also be stuff a person doesn't like to do (Haycock, McCarthy, & Skay,...

Words: 401

Pages: 2

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a disorder with no particular reasons for concern, characterized by exaggerated, intense anxiety as well as concern about everyday activities. People with symptoms of this condition often seem to predict disasters and can not stop worrying about problems such as family, money,...

Words: 1145

Pages: 5

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