Exemplification Essays

This kind of university paper deals with various topics with an intention to prove one's argumentation (thesis statement) by turning to numerous examples. You must provide a clear illustration of how something becomes possible as a result of a certain action or an attitude. Our essay examples will help you to get a starting point, so you can continue with your task. The most important is to provide something that can help you defend your primary position. Do not forget that some paper samples can be used as an example of correct formatting and structure. Exemplification only sounds challenging when you do not have a good reference. Therefore, just download the most fitting essay example and get things done!

The Business Environment and the Stakeholders

The business environment is dynamic. Arden Design and Print organization have to consider a number of factors to ensure success in their operations. The paper seeks to identify the key stakeholders in the organization and the power they possess. The behavior of the organization in the market and the effects...

Words: 2447

Pages: 9

Amazon Market Structure

Amazon maintains its place as the fastest growing company in the global digital retail market. The entity has shown flexibility and dynamism despite the increased pressure and competition from companies such as Walmart, E-bay and Alibaba. The $ 560 billion company first entered into the e-commerce industry by selling books...

Words: 4536

Pages: 17

The Structure and Culture of Siemens Energy Company

The Organizational Culture and Structure of Siemens Energy The organizational culture and structure of every company help to interpret the beliefs, values, artifacts, and norms of the business. The culture and structure of the Siemens energy company determine the factors that attribute to success. Culture is vital in defining the firm’s...

Words: 2098

Pages: 8

A Breach of Contract

A Breach of Contract: Nike vs Former Designers A breach of contract is a pertinent factor in business law that faces most modern organizations. It is a lawsuit presented before a jury where one or both parties to a contract claim that it was breached. It is simply a failure to...

Words: 1039

Pages: 4

The Role of a Program Manager

My degree certificate program at Collin is Associate of arts (business) which offers knowledge in the business field. The degree covers practical business information which prepares students for careers in business fields such as banking, management as well as accounting (Miterev, Maxim, Mats Engwall " Anna Jerbrant 16). The three leading...

Words: 310

Pages: 2

Enforceability of Liquidated Damages

Computer support service, Inc., doing business as Cyzap, appellant and cross-appellee, v. Vaccination services of America, Inc., doing business as Total Wellness, appellant, and cross-appellee,   Introduction             The case ruling on the appeal was decided at the Nebraska court of appeals. The parties to the legal problem were the vaccination services...

Words: 2848

Pages: 11

The Culture of Enron

What observable artifacts or physical manifestations of culture existed in Enron? Provide examples. One observable artifact or physical manifestation of the culture that existed in Enron was its financial extravagance as seen in their lofty spending's in parties as well as other events. The lofty spending of the company highlighted a...

Words: 628

Pages: 3

Narratives of Norwegian Immigrants in the United States

Understanding the reasons for migration Understanding the reasons for migration remains an important aspect for descents of Norwegian migrants who live in the United States. According to the immigration narrative, there are several reasons that prompted the migration of people from Norway into the United States. Such factors include economy, particularly...

Words: 304

Pages: 2

The Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication and How to Overcome Them

Interpersonal communication plays an integral role not only in boosting relationships at the workplace but also in enhancing one’s relationships with family members and friends. According to Sethi " Seth (2009), interpersonal communication refers to the process through which individuals swap feelings and information through the use of verbal and...

Words: 1445

Pages: 6

The Importance of Empathy in Social Work Practice

Empathy and Sympathy Empathy is the ability to identify other people's emotional states and try to put you in their shoes by attempting to understand their perspective and the truth (Peach 764). On the contrary, sympathy is the act of feeling for the client; this implies that the clinician feels sorry...

Words: 686

Pages: 3

How to Save a Choking Person

Choking is a common cause of death in both adults and small children. However, it is possible to save a choking individual through performing basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). As such, my demonstration speech features the steps one can follow to save an individual from choking to death. Check for...


Words: 513

Pages: 2

Zinc: An Element in the Periodic Table

The periodic table consist of about 117 well known elements. The elements, represented by symbols, are built from atoms where an atom being the basic unit of an element which can participate in a chemical reaction. The elements are arranged in periodic table according to their atomic number. The periodic...

Words: 1000

Pages: 4

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