Essays on World History

John Underhill’s Newes

Account of the Pequot War of 1636 1637 Possibly the most thorough written account of the Pequot War of 1636 1637 can be found in John Underhill s Newes from America. The account describes the English colonists choice to declare war on the Pequot people as a result of ongoing...

Words: 1227

Pages: 5

The Allied Victory in World War II

Germany and her potential allies rose to prominence early in the Second World War and led several successful operations throughout Europe, Middle and East Asia, and East and North Africa. But as the conflict went on, the Allied forces quickly grew stronger as they prioritized defeating Germany. The Allies eventually...

Words: 2552

Pages: 10

The Mali Empire

The Rise and Fall of the Mali Empire The ancient country of Ghana gave rise to the Mali Empire, which predated the Songhai dynasty and lasted from the early 13th century to the late 15th century. Previously, Mali was a state that belonged to the monarchy of Ghana. King Sundiata, also...

Words: 523

Pages: 2

Martin Luther and the German Reformation

First passage/observation Martin Luther and the German Reformation: Author, Source Title: Rob Sorensen. Contexts, both historical and rhetorical Rob Sorensen, a German historian with an interest in studying the development of political and religious institutions in Europe, wrote the passage. The book was written in the winter of 2016––july, and...

Words: 329

Pages: 2

Military History of America

War has always been a part of modern life and the development of every state in the globe. Some people fought to become independent, others fought to increase their authority, and some fought because they were allied with the fighting state. The way things are today has been greatly impacted...

Words: 1290

Pages: 5

Connection between the Historical Record and the Film Revolution

Various groups have influenced history. In particular, American history has allowed every race and tribe to make both direct and indirect contributions to its development, culture, politics, and economics. (Donnelly 209). The clamor and independence struggles of two main races, as well as the subsequent growth and development of the...

Words: 1007

Pages: 4

Speaking of the Turks vs. the Principles of Turkism

Numerous books discuss Turkish history Numerous books discuss Turkish history, and each seems to have a unique perspective on the past. They each have distinctive tones and content that make them worth contrasting. This essay compares an excerpt from The Principles of Turkism by Ziya Gökalp, released in 1923, with an...

Words: 1588

Pages: 6

How the Mediterranean region and/or Europe would have evolved differently if Carthage had won the Punic Wars instead of Rome

First, it's crucial to understand that the first Punic War, which Rome ultimately won, led to the two that followed. Rome would not have expanded into the western Mediterranean if it had lost the first Punic War to Carthage. Sicily would most likely be a part of Carthage, whose fleet...

Words: 301

Pages: 2

England shifting from being a Catholic country to a Protestant stronghold

England underwent a change from being a Catholic nation to a Protestant bastion between 1530 and 1580. By the close of this time, it had transformed into a land of anti-papal activity and whitewashed chapels. This faith shift had an effect on the entire nation, from the cities to the...

Words: 1142

Pages: 5

The episode from the History of Britain

Since the Industrial Revolution Since the industrial revolution began in Britain a century before it did in any other country, it is safe to say that it was the first country in the world to go through it. A number of social, economic, and natural factors contributed to the industrial revolution...

Words: 2319

Pages: 9

The Effect of Moral Behaviour of Leaders On the Early Civilizations

Between the end of the BC era and the 15th century, many impressive civilizations thrived. The central part that the leaders played in these civilizations' development and eventual collapse was one of their defining traits. This essay investigates the moral conduct of a few early civilization leaders and how it...

Words: 1450

Pages: 6

Battle of San Juan Hill

The Spanish-American War and the Battle of San Juan Hill The Spanish-American War, led by Teddy Roosevelt, is best known for the Battle of San Juan Hill. The goal of the conflict was to seize Santiago de Cuba, impose American authority over Cuba, and depose Spanish rule over the island. After...

Words: 1197

Pages: 5

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