Essays on Political Science

Walt Whitman’s Liberalism and His Freethinking Behavior as Expressed in “Song of Myself”

The most well-known part of Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself," section 33, expresses Whitman's emotions, opinions, and thoughts about a variety of human actions and natural phenomena. Above all else, Whitman portrays himself as an independent thinker who is compassionate and open to understanding a variety of viewpoints. This humanistic...

Words: 1457

Pages: 6

Health and Significance of Fitbit

To guarantee that the majority of citizens live healthy lives, all governments work to improve the health sector. While there are many health-related issues to be concerned about, diet and exercise tracking are two of the most important aspects of a healthy living that society could support. Although many improvements...

Words: 1946

Pages: 8

The Supreme Court in the American System of Government

The Constitution and the Supreme Court The constitution's article III outlines the steps for creating a federal court. As a result, the Supreme Court should be given the authority to exercise American legal authority. The Congress has been given instructions on how to set it up. Additionally, Section II of Article...

Words: 1295

Pages: 5

Emergency management

The federal government's responsibility for emergency management is crucial to ensuring that catastrophes are dealt with quickly and effectively. The federal government carries out a variety of emergency management actions and measures that are divided into four phases: mitigation/prevention, preparedness, reaction, and disaster recovery actions. This essay will conduct study,...

Words: 2481

Pages: 10


The Most Suitable Way to Recognize Australia s Indigenous Peoples The most suitable way to recognize Australia s indigenous peoples is to negotiate one or more treaties with them. The Australian government and some indigenous countries have had numerous conversations about crafting a treaty. (Krijnen, Pg. 69). Recent developments regarding treaties...

Words: 1042

Pages: 4

The concept of administrative law

The body of legislation that controls how government agencies operate is referred to as administrative law. Often, the legislature of that nation drafts and passes these laws. However, when the public shows an interest in obtaining government benefits, they frequently interact with these institutions and laws. In the boundaries and...

Words: 2942

Pages: 11

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

Certain responsibilities and compliance requirements affect federal subcontractors as part of a business relationship between the federal government and federal contractors. More specifically, the government subcontractors must adhere to the ban on discrimination based on a protected veteran's status, gender, race, religion, country, color, or other characteristics. Affirmative action and...

Words: 846

Pages: 4

Neoliberalism and the history of The US in the 20th century

The Rise of Neoliberalism The word "neoliberalism" was first coined by British economists, interwar continental thinkers, and philosophers to describe an economic theory that supported deregulation, privatization, and free markets while opposing the state and public institutions. In this situation, the government dismantles unions, liberalizes the economy, lowers taxes for businesses...

Words: 1389

Pages: 6

The risks and returns on stock investment in a financial market

Each investment involves accepting risks because there are no returns without taking risks. The only low-risk investment is in government securities such as treasury bonds. Yet, this should not be misinterpreted to mean that investment in government assets always guarantees a return. Yet, taking on too much risk does not...

Words: 305

Pages: 2

What Factors Contribute the Most to Economic Prosperity

Economic prosperity is commonly associated with economic success and progress. Hence, economic development is the rise in a particular economy's capacity to produce products and services over a specific time span. Furthermore, economic prosperity can refer to the long-term growth or development of an economy's productive capacities in order to...

Words: 2440

Pages: 9

The average spending on the treatment of substance abuse

In the United States, average spending on substance misuse treatment has been rising for several decades. Despite the majority of interventions put in place to reduce substance use, the control of such consumption has not materialized. According to the current study, the bodies funding this spending have spent a lot...

Words: 904

Pages: 4

Bond and interest rates

Interest Rates and Bonds Interest rates and bonds are terms used in finance, and one is dependent on the other to function. The meaning of the two phrases must be understood; the interest rate is the expense incurred when a person borrows money from another person or an organisation. A bond,...

Words: 1575

Pages: 6

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