Essays on Metaphysics

Aristotle and Plato's Metaphysics

Metaphysics is concerned with the fundamental principles of things; it includes abstract ideas like identity, being, time, space, knowledge, and causality. It focuses on nature that exists beyond reality and cannot be perceived. Metaphysics seeks to explain the origins of life and everything within it. There are numerous approaches to...

Words: 3207

Pages: 12

The Historical Context of ‘Love's Growth' By John Donne

According to Stewart (5), John Donne was one of the most well-known philosophical poets of his day, who discussed many topics related to nature and truth in life in his poetry. As a lawyer and a minister, Donne gave sermons and wrote poetry from personal experience, earning him the moniker...

Words: 2333

Pages: 9

the Problem of Universals methapysical realism

Introduction Metaphysical realism investigates the concept of life. In this case, the issue of universality appears to exploit the existence of properties as well as other natural boundaries. Realists contend that universals occur in nature and are separate from other facets of life. There are two types of realism. These types...

Words: 1752

Pages: 7

Personal Identity Discussion

In contemporary metaphysics, personal identity is a diachronic issue. This is because it raises questions about one s own self-characterization. So, what exactly is a person s personal identity? Personal identity is defined in philosophical terms as the concept you develop about yourself over the course of your life. Parts of...

Words: 1379

Pages: 6

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