Essays on Marketing Strategy

Land Rover Raya Weekend Sales Ad

For a car enthusiast, this ad for a weekend sale by the Jaguar Land Rover (Malaysia) SDN BHD Company for its range of stylish Land Rover Models is the hallmark of sophistication and consumer awareness.  The ad was put out as part of the company’s promotion of its brands during...

Words: 865

Pages: 4

Integration of New Trainings and Employee Engagement Programs

The inability of today’s organizations to effectively train and develop managers and employees is causing high turnover rates. Employee turnover negatively affects productivity performance and the prosperity of the organization (Dardar, Jusoh Chief Financial Officers (CFO) of the organization, the Human Resources Department, employees, and shareholders.                                                              Problem Background       With...

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Pages: 5

Analysis of the business prospects of Duque papetier gros

Examining the business prospects of any market is considered vital and highly pragmatic for the effective functioning of an organization. For a company such as Duque Papetiers Gros, it is crucial for them to understand the potential risks and situation of expanding their operations to other countries. Duque is a...

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Pages: 8

The Importance of Truth in Business Relationships

Truth is important when engaging in a business. Truth always manifest in two ways; when one tells the truth to others and when one is told the truth by other people (Radoilska, 2018). Speaking the truth is always important because if not told, it will always come out later in...

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Pages: 6

Marketing Mix of SunPower X-Series Solar Panel

The Demand for Solar Photovoltaic Energy The demand for solar photovoltaic energy has been growing immensely in recent years. In the year 2017 alone, the global statistics reveal that the worldwide demand for solar PV was at 85 gigawatts (, 2018). By 2015, the solar energy industry recorded market revenue of...

Words: 1191

Pages: 5

The Role of Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Title of Article: Risk Management – Investing In Workplace Safety Author: Corey Berghoefer Source: Risk Management Magazine Date: November 1 2018 Summary: A workplace does not come around accidentally but is the result of a planned idea. Workplace safety comes from a well-executed plan conceived and successfully invoked into the company’s strategy at all possible...

Words: 597

Pages: 3

Analyzing Organizational Health: Strategies for Effective Diagnosis and Improvement

Organization Diagnosis and Data Collection Organization diagnosis is vitally an important method for determining the functioning of a business because it facilitates a joint assessment of the best change intervention. However, it is essential to understand that quality information forms a critical part of the diagnostic process (Cummings & Worley, 2009)....

Words: 377

Pages: 2

The Open Systems Model

Open systems model is a set of departments showing the relationship of behaviors of organizations. The departments are whole units that majorly integrate the sub-systems into a system that is functional. The manager of the organization monitors the behavior of the units, corrects the way of operation of the whole...

Words: 314

Pages: 2

The Advantages and Risks of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency refers to a digital form of currency that can be used as a medium of exchange for goods and services. Since the internet became popular in the 1990s, the tech world has been trying to innovate ways to optimize transactions that are done digitally. Finally, in the year 2009,...

Words: 922

Pages: 4

Market Analysis of the Event

Legal Issues to Consider: Given the details of the event, three legal issues that the team ought to consider in the future if we were to realize the idea include that of contracts, intellectual property, and legal business form. With regards to contracts, it will be important to ensure all necessary...

Words: 520

Pages: 2

Tim's Coffee Shoppe: Brewing Community and Flavors in Every Cup

Tim’s Coffee Shoppe faces stiff competition from the local Starbucks outlet and Friend’s Market and Bistro. Starbucks is a global coffee franchise that has acquired loyalty among its customer, therefore, the brand benefits by having an advantage over Tim’s and Friend’s market and bistro. Also, Tim’s has limited options when...

Words: 916

Pages: 4

Exploring the Significance of Intrinsic Values

Social Sustainability is undoubtedly one of the core elements of any business operation. Its concept is entirely simple and precise; if a company is going to base its operations in a community, then it has to contribute to its wellbeing. It involves permanent business structures within a company that makes...

Words: 1990

Pages: 8

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