Essays on Marketing Strategy

The Role of The Coca-Cola Company In Influencing The Decision Making Process of Consumers

This is a report about the evaluation of a diet coke which is a favourite consumer product. The report will consist of three tasks which include the following: the first task will involve the description of the selected consumer product and its target market. This task will also describe the...

Words: 2311

Pages: 9

Marvin " Smith's Coffee Shops Marketing Mix

According to the information provided about Marvin Smith s Coffee Shops The business success has been due to its open access to different classes and cultures of people. The use of the Ugandan coffee has made it attractable to different people especially tourists. The first choice of London as the...

Words: 2457

Pages: 9

Creating a sustainable brand loyalty for Apple Inc.

Apple Inc is a top performing company in manufacturing of electronic devices. Apple s prowess is attributed to its financial base, high quality and marketing strategies in the market. The UK market is favorable for Apple products based on well established brand portfolio. Apple depends on brand loyalty to sell...

Words: 2301

Pages: 9

Ted Baker's Customer Journey

Ted Baker Ted Baker deals in a variety of brands for both men and women. Particularly, the company offers clothes varying from dresses, jackets, trousers. In addition, the company supplies bags and shoes for both genders. For this particular consumer journey, the paper shall consider consumer experience in shoes as a...

Words: 1139

Pages: 5

The Challenges Faced by American Corporations in China

American corporations operating in different parts of the world face distinct challenges affecting the expansion, productivity and profitability in both developed and emerging markets. American brands face numerous hurdles such as limited financial regulations, currency convertibility, different legal systems, and cultural differences. The corporation analyzed in the paper is Nike...

Words: 1510

Pages: 6

Brickman's Bakery Case Study

In a perfectly competitive market It is engrained in consumers to constantly search for value. Customers can effortlessly switch when they realize that a competitor is offering quality products and friendly prices than their current seller (Stummer, Kiesling, Günther & Vetschera, 2015). Retaining existing clients can be a daunting task. Typically,...

Words: 770

Pages: 3

Piping Hot Dog Case Study

This report was purposed to analyse the Piping Hot Dog a case study in Malaysia The organization was started by Rozidar and her husband Ahmad in 1997.The coupled lived in the United States and after completion of the study of the Rozidar she started a Hot Dog business which was very...

Words: 3111

Pages: 12

The Effectiveness of Online Marketing

The Evolution of International Business and Incorporation of New Ideas The international business has been evolving and incorporating new ideas to maximize profits. One of the most significant tools to be recently incorporated is the internet which has facilitated the marketing process so as to overcome geographical barriers. Currently, almost all...

Words: 2229

Pages: 9

The Current Issues, Opportunities, Challenges and Trends in Marketing

In the wake of the new era of a globalised world, new standards have been set across all sectors, marketing sector included. This development, coupled with the technological advancement has called for new skills in professionals seeking jobs in the marketing sector. Marketing process involves activities such as market researching,...

Words: 1925

Pages: 7

Analysis of the McDonald's Advert

The Advertisement by McDonald's The advertisement in consideration is a video created by McDonald's; a fast food company located in America. In the advert, the menu consists of $1, $2, and $3 foods. It shows a man approaching a counter at McDonald's while in the background the dollar menu is being...

Words: 651

Pages: 3

Merchandising of Cool to Youngsters

The "Merchants of Cool" The “Merchants of cool” is about marketers whose target consumers are the young generation. This target market is continuously monitored and researched through surveys and focus groups. This data is then incorporated into their marketing campaigns. The principles of advertising which include honesty, fairness and responsibility are...

Words: 387

Pages: 2

Persuasive Appeal in Mountain Dew Super Bowl Commercial

In the world of competition, companies embrace strategies which will catch the attention of customers, and the best way of achieving this is through attention-getting ads. One of such ads is the “Mountain Dew Super Bowl Commercial 2018” which features Peter Dinklage rapping Busta Rhyme’s song and Morgan Freeman who...

Words: 859

Pages: 4

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