Essays on Literary Genres

Stranger Than Fiction

Thematic Parallels between The Odyssey and Stranger Than FictionIt may seem strange to compare a contemporary film about a mundane IRS agent and his everyday life to a classic work of Greek literature on the surface. Still, there are some fascinating similarities worth noting. Comparing these two works allows one...

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The Story of an Hour

The Use of Symbolism in "The Story of An Hour"The majority of writers use writings such as novels, short stories, and poetry, among others, to convey personal experiences or to share facets of society. They often use various literary techniques in their writings to either make it appealing or to...

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The House on Mango Street Analysis

Trying to understand people has been one of the problems that has plagued people from all walks of life for years. We've been reflecting on our personal lives, noting that the influence of others has a significant impact on our lives. In any situation, an individual is not an island,...

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The Lesson

Toni Cade's short story "the lesson" is about a young black girl's struggle to recognize the economic and social injustices she faces in 1970s Harlem, New York. Sylvia, the protagonist of the novel, is initially unable to admit that she is a victim of poverty and is unaware of the...

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In comics, female superheroes are depicted as sex toys

Comics and graphic novels have been described as the only form of popular culture art capable of persuading, informing, and molding attitudes and behaviors; they provide an art-related pleasure unavailable in any other medium. Despite the fact that most academics overlook the importance of comics, they can send powerful messages...

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Rhetorical Essay

The Use of Rhetorical Language in Zadie Smith s NovelThe ability of writers to articulate themselves using rhetorical language that appeals to the reader is one of the distinguishing features that separates literature from many other works. Zadie Smith, for example, uses the feature in her novel White Smith, which...

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Analysis of Blue Velvet

In the drama movie, "Blue Velvet" The main character, Jeffrey, is portrayed as a curious person in nature who is also intelligent and sensible in his approach to daily life in the film. Jeffrey's inquisitive nature is on display as he discovers a decomposing ear in a vacant lot and immediately...

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The Crash is an American drama film written and directed by Paul Haggis that was released in 2004. In this video, social and racial tensions in Los Angeles are depicted (Al Junaibi, 2016). The film, which Haggis describes as his "passion piece," was inspired by a real-life incident in which...

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A Tale of Two Cities and Estella Havisham

Havisham 'Havisham' is a poem by Carol Anne Duffy about Charles Dickens' character, Estella Havisham. The poem is set in a ruined mansion, where the main character lives with her daughter Estella. She's a rich spinster who was jilted at the altar, and wears her wedding dress for the rest of...

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"Mending Wall" by Robert Frost

The twentieth-century American poet Robert Frost's poem, "Mending Wall," first appeared in his second collection, North of Boston, in 1914. Since its publication, it has become one of the most widely-anthologized poems in modern literature. In addition to its timeless beauty, it also has a profound message about the nature...

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The Sower's Parable

The Sower's Parable: A Dystopian NovelThe Sower's Parable is a futuristic and fictional novel set in a dystopian United States in the twenty-first century. Octavia E. Butler's novel, written in 1993, outlines the political, social, and economic rot in American society (Butler, 3). This is her first science fiction and...

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Pages: 6

The short story

Mrs. Sen: A Foreigner in a Foreign LandMrs. Sen is a short story about an Indian lady named Mrs. Sen and an American boy named Eliot. Mrs. Sen, who spends time engaging with Eliot's family, understands the difficulty in embracing the world in the novel. Mrs. Sen, as a foreigner,...

Words: 700

Pages: 3

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