Essays on Healthcare

A Framework for Ethical Decision Making Ethical dilemmas

Ethical Quandaries in Health Care Ethical quandaries are fairly widespread in health care institutions. Practitioners are forced to choose between two rights or wrongs, especially because the repercussions of both options are nearly identical. In this scenario, the practitioners are split between obeying the patient's wish and the demands of the...

Words: 963

Pages: 4

The bariatric surgery and obesity

Evidence-Based Practice Evidence-Based Practice is defined as a holistic procedure that involves comprehensively solving the problems of an individual patient at the patient's convenience. As a result, it entails combining specific clinical experience with the most relevant external clinical proof produced through study. Clinical expertise is characterized as a clinician's accumulated...

Words: 977

Pages: 4

The Strengths and Challenges of Implementing EBP in Healthcare Systems

Evidence-based practice is defined as the proper, explicit, and conscientious use of the most recent and best evidence in making decisions about individual patient treatment. Furthermore, it entails combining individual therapeutic experience with the finest external clinical data available from systematic research. In this example, clinical expertise refers to the...

Words: 1373

Pages: 5

Health informatics & Pharmacy Informatics

Health Informatics Health informatics is a broad word that refers to the act of obtaining, storing, and utilizing various health information in order to create improved collaboration among patients in various health care provider facilities. Various specialties in hospitals are currently attempting to move and organize their data so that they...

Words: 1010

Pages: 4

Comfort and Hospice Nursing

Hospice Nursing Hospice nursing entails working with terminally ill patients to provide them with the essential support and quality in their final days; rather than focusing on the healing process, these nurses focus on providing quality healthcare to patients who are already on their deathbeds. Hospice Nurses work at hospice facilities...

Words: 2619

Pages: 10

Acute care analysis for the hospitals

I am conducting an acute care analysis for hospitals in Virginia and elsewhere for the total knee replacement surgery procedure that must be completed within the next few months. Acute care facilities are often defined as a link through patient sharing and network building, which includes the extension of immediate...

Words: 616

Pages: 3

Volunteering at Fair Acres Nursing Home

I volunteered at Fair Acres Nursing Center in practically every capacity. I participated in the ever-popular bingo games. I decorated nursing home units. In the company of other volunteers, nurses and visitors invited to parties provided aid and amusement. I was part of a team that led discussion sessions and...

Words: 233

Pages: 1

Evidence-based practice in healthcare

In today's healthcare environments, evidence-based practice is the recommended method to healthcare delivery. Nurses that use evidence-based practice not only increase their skills and competence in healthcare delivery, but they also improve patients' outcomes, costs, and morbidity. The purpose of this study is to examine the significance of evidence-based practice...

Words: 2641

Pages: 10

The landscape of cyber-security

It is difficult to prevent all breaches in today s cyber-security scenario. Furthermore, today s cyber attackers are well-funded, intelligent, and patient. Furthermore, they tend to target flaws in processes, people, and technology. Furthermore, corporations rely heavily on digitized information and the sharing of massive volumes of data around the...

Words: 1510

Pages: 6

The liminal and the parallax: Qualitative Health Research

J. I. MacArtney, A. Broom, E. Kirby, P. Good, and J. Wootton (2017). The parallax and the liminal. The Journal of Qualitative Health Research, 27(5), 623-633. According to MacArtney, Broom, Kirby, Good, and Wootton (2017), changes in palliative care may imply a shift in mindset from one of life-prolongation to one...

Words: 352

Pages: 2

Patient card and observation

JK, a 37-year-old mother of two, came to the clinic today (09/09/2017) with complaints of right-sided flank discomfort. She also has a fever, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting, which she says started three days ago. She says her suffering as excruciatingly severe. While over-the-counter acetaminophen has provided brief comfort,...

Words: 841

Pages: 4

Advocacy Behaviours in End-of-Life Nursing Care. Nursing Ethics

Karen S Thacker's Work Karen S Thacker's work "Nurses' Advocacy Behaviours in End-of-Life Care" is a comparative and descriptive investigation aimed at addressing the insights of palliative care nurses and their advocacy behaviors during end-of-life care. The research issue at hand is the difficulty that nurses experience while attempting to advocate...

Words: 809

Pages: 3

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