Essays on Experience

The Effect of Stress on Physical Illness in Athletes

Define “hypothesis”. What was Dr. Cole’s hypothesis? A hypothesis is an explanation or supposition that is provisionally accepted so as to interpret phenomena or events. Hypothesis provides guidance and offers the basis for further investigation. Usually a statement, a hypothesis could be proven wrong or correct and ought to be...

Words: 387

Pages: 2

Self-Esteem Scale

Self-esteem is the sense of personal worth of an individual. In other words, it is how one appreciates oneself or the decision someone makes as an attitude towards him/herself. Such perceptions are personal traits which tend to be stable and endure for a longer time. Response Format and True-False Question. A...

Words: 324

Pages: 2

Self-Esteem: Definition and Importance

Self-esteem can be defined by focusing on what constitutes the “self”. Such is followed by an examination of the general concept of the “self” as it relates to an individual character, behavior, and capabilities among other dimensions. Further, there would be an investigation of the qualities, which surround the “self”...

Words: 309

Pages: 2

Positive Psychology

When the word psychology appeared, the first thing in mind may be an area of study dedicated to solving the gloomy side of life characterized by anxieties, addictions, phobias, etc. In a world struck by a flux of natural, social, economic and financial challenges, the study and understanding of happiness...

Words: 986

Pages: 4

Benefits Gained from This Activity

Choosing career at the earliest stage in life is one of the aspects that determine the future. Notably, there are various factors that determine one’s career choice such as passion, employment prospects, and advice from career educators, counselors or family members. Critical to underscore is that the need to make...

Words: 2006

Pages: 8

The Use of a Case Study as a Method of Research

The use of a case study as a method of research involves in-depth investigations of an individual, a community or a group of people. Case studies offer valid data, in the article case studies have been used to acquire data, for instance, various studies from different authors have been...

Words: 1233

Pages: 5

The Effect of Social Networking Sites on the Subjective Well Being of Users

The social network sites are online platforms where people develop and maintain social connections. Since the emergence of social media, there have been numerous debates about the effect of these sites on the well being of their users.  One group is in support of the social networking sites, and they...

Words: 1872

Pages: 7

Cognitive Processes

Most of the activities involve the ability of human beings to comprehend and bring together different aspects of life. The actions have brought the need for the investigations of the mechanisms of human thinking and the quality of artificial intelligence. The coordination of different activities of human beings has led...

Words: 873

Pages: 4

The Five Stages of Death

Throughout life’s, we experience many incidences and instances of grief. Grief is a result of factors such as relationships, substance abuse, death and break of friendship. However, of all the causes of grief, death is one of the most emotional and heartbreaking situations. Many scientists have spent the time to...

Words: 1250

Pages: 5

The Importance of Experience and Biology in Adolescence

Adolescence is the stage in life that lasts from puberty to full adult status. Adolescence largely describes the developmental change from childhood to adulthood, which is commonly perceived as the teenage years lasting between 13 and 19. However, the changes that do signal the beginning of the transition, both psychological...

Words: 1239

Pages: 5

Crisis Communication Strategy of Vice President of Communication at World Wide Airlines

As the Vice President of Communication of World Wide Airlines (WWA) Flight 979 that has just been reported missing on its way to Singapore from New York with 598 passengers on board, my most significant responsibility is to the passengers on board and their families. This is because when they...

Words: 1364

Pages: 5

Case Study: Maggie's Depression

Psychodynamic therapy is the most effective way of treating Maggie’s depression for various reasons. This technique creates the client’s awareness of how the unconscious mind influences a person’s perception and interpretation of external reality, thus, creating depressive thoughts (Luyten " Blatt, 2012). This person-centered therapeutic approach helps patients to understand...

Words: 602

Pages: 3

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