Essays on Europe

The Impact of the Eastern Enlargement on the Business Environment

The European Union (EU) is seen to be one of the most successful political and economic unions in history. Since the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1951 by the EU’s six founding countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands) which created the European Coal and Steel Community,...

Words: 4946

Pages: 18

Comparison of Smart Cities in London and Barcelona: A Case Study

London practices bottom-up with a networked-driven collaboration between organizations. Also, London Changed the mayor which altered the ‘smart’ strategy in London by prioritizing social inequality projects. . Current Smart Metropolitan Transitions London underwent transition from multi-stakeholder approach to Citizen Sensing Current Smart City-Regional Transitions The city...

Words: 4359

Pages: 16

Private Residential Land Developers in urban Zambia and Lusaka

In Zambia, the provision of residential land which is serviced has been on the National Housing Authority (NHA). However, in the recent past, there has been an increase in private residential land developer providing residential housing. Despite their focus on meeting the housing demand in the country, private residential land...

Words: 4667

Pages: 17

The Impact of Brexit on Multinational Companies Based in the UK

Brexit has caused several uncertainties and implications for trade relations in the UK (Yueh, 2017, p. 55). That is, there are uncertainties about the long-term impact of Brexit on multinational companies that had their headquarters in the UK before Brexit, such as the Unilever and Vodafone companies among others. Notwithstanding,...

Words: 672

Pages: 3

The Rise of Cesare Borgia and Agathocles

Cesare Borgia s Rise and Fall from Power Those who acquire power from fortunes have fewer problems in rising but the bigger issue is to stay on top. Cesare Borgia is a good example of a prince who got powers from the favors of his father while he was a pope....

Words: 562

Pages: 3

Brexit cartoon

The cartoon is about Brexit. Brexit is the imminent withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Europe is a group of nations that were frequently at war. For instance, during the 2nd world war, the continent of Europe greatly hurt by the fights among countries in Europe (Troitiño, Kerikmäe...

Words: 413

Pages: 2

The Origins of Politics

The main tenets of ancient modern debate revolve around social, economic, and political issues. They deal with the acquisition of power, retention of power, and human control. Scholars like Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Plato have discussed the issues that even today continue shaping modern day politics. The initial belief of...

Words: 3117

Pages: 12

Reasons for Brexit

Many Britons believed the European Union failed to solve economic problems facing them. However, the major reason for Brexit was the increasing number of immigrants in the UK, as well as political elitism. Therefore, the move was driven by economic, identity and immigration problems. Introduction             The European Union was formed to...

Words: 1458

Pages: 6

The Rise of the Modern Nation-State

The rise of the modern nation-state occurred mostly in the years 1800-1900 in Europe. The French Revolution is credited with stoking the embers of nationalism that resulted in the weakening and abolishing of monarchies. In essence, nation-states were the totality of two definitions: the nation and the state. The nation...

Words: 1835

Pages: 7

Age of Criminal Responsibility in England

Age is a critical issue and it influences whether a child is capable of standing a trial process and it determines possible punishments for specified ages of children. The age of criminal responsibility abbreviated as ACR denotes the lowest age a child must have to be prosecuted or penalized by...

Words: 3775

Pages: 14

Mercedes Benz and Daimler AG

The German automotive company Daimler AG through their highly sophisticated products like the Mercedes Benz has often been in the limelight for consistent production of high-quality vehicles (Clarke, 2005). The company has established its rapport efficiently with consumers as a word class car manufacturer. Taking an example of the Mercedes...

Words: 370

Pages: 2

The Economic Consequences of the UK Decision to Leave the EU

The UK Decision to Leave the EU The UK decision to exit as a member of the EU after the majority of its citizen voted in support of the move on 23rd June 2016 raised a lot of questions from political scientists and economists due to the uncertainties that exist on...

Words: 1928

Pages: 8

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