Essays on Cognitive Psychology

Stroop Effect

The Stroop Effect is a cognitive psychology phenomenon that demonstrates an interference in the response time due to changes in the reaction time when handling a task. The phenomenon was named after John Stroop, an American psychologist who had interests in exposing interferences in verbal reactions in three of his...

Words: 618

Pages: 3

The emotional stress category

The Impact of Cognitive Stress The category of mental stress was significant in my findings graph. Other facets of living are significantly impacted by cognitive stress. People who are under stress, for instance, experience personality changes that affect their behavioral habits. (Kumar, Rinwa, Kaur, & Machawal, 2013). Such individuals experience emotional...

Words: 1016

Pages: 4

cognitive consequences of sleep and sleep loss

The influence of sleep on cognition The influence of sleep on cognition is investigated in an article titled “cognitive repercussions of sleep and sleep loss” by Matthew (2008). Even though sleep accounts for a larger amount of people’s lives, many concerns about the role of sleep in physiological functioning remain unresolved....

Words: 875

Pages: 4

Social Cognitive Theory

Albert Bandura and the Social Cognitive Theory Albert Bandura has made significant contributions to several psychological theories, particularly the social cognitive theory. The hypothesis is concerned with how people learn from others through seeing them. A notable example of the principle is when students emulate their teacher in class. The kids...

Words: 874

Pages: 4

About Short-Term Memory

Psychologists and Memory Psychologists have attempted to understand how memory works, but have yet to uncover an explanation. Memory, as an information-processing process, is separated into segments, each with its own purpose in data storage and processing (Melby-Lervg Hulme, 2013). Short-Term and Working Memory Short-term and working memory both store information...

Words: 384

Pages: 2

About Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance Cognitive dissonance is a concept in psychology that refers to a condition of psychological discomfort caused by a person holding two opposed and contradictory viewpoints, with the individual's norms, values, and beliefs on one side and the facts of their existence on the other. Thus, cognitive dissonance occurs when...

Words: 1444

Pages: 6

Behaviorism vs. Cognitive Psychology and Science

This paper will debate whether developments in cognitive psychology and cognitive science have genuinely defeated behaviorism. The discussion will also cover modern uses of behaviorism, as well as evidence to back up any position. While behaviorism is still alive and well, the intellectual revolution has led to its demise. Many psychologists...

Words: 345

Pages: 2

emotional health is equally important as physical health

Guy Winch is correct when he says that emotional health is just as essential as physical health. Psychologists study behavior and brain processes to learn why people behave the way they do. There is a connection between conduct and the mind, which is better understood through the study of psychology...

Words: 435

Pages: 2

Spatial Cognition

Spatial cognition refers to an individual's ability to correctly perceive, respond to their surroundings based on their perceptions, and reorganize their sensory impressions to suit the definition of the world around them. The ability to remember faces, locations, pictures, and objects are determined by one's level of visual-spatial intelligence. Spatial...

Words: 1510

Pages: 6


Gender Stereotypes in the Society Many researchers explain that gender is more of the biological features of being male or female than behavioral, cultural, social, or psychological features. Females have two X chromosomes, while men with one X chromosome and one Y chromosome have different genetic characteristics; (Witt 35-40). In society,...

Words: 302

Pages: 2

Psychology Career

The Psychology Career The psychology career is one which I have had in mind for such a long time as it coincides with my interests. In spite of the fact that the psychology profession matched closely my personality, I realized that college had several profession opportunities and started considering the different...

Words: 860

Pages: 4

Review Questions

The Meaning of Memory and Processing The memory and processing of the term have been given many meanings. Memory was described as the process of retaining information over time by Margaret Matlin, a cognitive psychologist. Other psychologists have also offered their commentary on the word memory. In order to...

Words: 902

Pages: 4

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