Essays on Artwork

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Great authors employ literary instruments and methods in novel ways to illustrate their knowledge of the craft of fiction. Earnest Hemingway's novel The Old Man and the Sea is notable in the history of American literature as a novel that mastered the use of literary devices and techniques, as well...

Words: 1899

Pages: 7

A Closer Look at Jean Michel Basquiat

The American artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat The American artist, Jean-Michel Basquiat, has made his mark in the world of contemporary art. A member of the Neo-expressionist movement, Basquiat rose to fame in the 1980s. His work is widely regarded as revolutionary, cutting-edge, and uncompromising. Here are just a few of the many...

Words: 992

Pages: 4

The painting skills of a virtuoso

Introduction As one of the best of Strapran's prolific art work in Crocker art museum displaying a spectrum of ideas, feel of authenticity and emotional realism best represented by composition of dazzling colors. The empty cherry crate painting shows virtuoso painting skills. Having received several accolades, it is one of the...

Words: 590

Pages: 3

The Great wave off Kanagawa

The Great Wave off Kanagawa, also known as the Great Wave, is a woodblock art item printed between 1829 and 1833 by the Japanese artist Hokusai. The Great Wave is one of the most well-known works of Japanese sculpture in the world. The item represents the Great Wave, which was...

Words: 1514

Pages: 6

Cubism Influence on contemporary art

The discovery and emergence of science have moderately improved the probabilities of expansion in an artwork. Modern art consequently by a period of institution bear a significant impact on current postmodernism and contemporaries. As such influence as had through the modernist artists, a particular set of similarity is expected to...

Words: 1319

Pages: 5

Banksy’s Napalm Painting

Imagine a world where graffiti was not illegal a city where anyone could draw anything they wanted. Every street was awash with a million colors and little phrases. Where it was never dull to wait at a bus stop. A town that looked like a festival where everybody was welcome, not...

Words: 938

Pages: 4

Photography: Portrait Genre

Portrait Genre All through American photography history, people have made diverse photographs with many materials, and each of them has different purposes. However, people began to classify photographic works on the basis of style and intention, therefore, manipulating and reflecting the society. Photographers always have varieties of what they want to...

Words: 933

Pages: 4

What paintings are used for

Painting as a Medium of Expression Painting is a platform used by people to express their emotions about diverse subject matter. Many artists use this as a medium of communicating with their audience without the use of words. The current generation has demanded for modern art because of its uniqueness. Many...

Words: 1932

Pages: 8

The Comparison of the Artworks of Aphrodite and the Venus of Willendorf

Art comparison: Playing an inherent role in the society is the Artwork of Aphrodite and Venus of Willendorf. This Art History depicts the way of life of a certain generation and the basic reason for the appropriation of artefacts by scientists and historians. When properly analysed these artefacts tell the...

Words: 1370

Pages: 5

The Milk Maid by Johannes Vermeer

The Milk Maid is a painting done by Johannes Vermeer . It is one of the most influential paintings done by Johannes Vermeer and was inspired by his era and their tradition. Portrayed in the background of the painting is the foot warmer which is a perfect replication of what...

Words: 1025

Pages: 4

Design's Context and Culture in Russian Constructivism Artworks and Architecture

The improvement of Russian Constructivism has a lot of influence from the work of Picasso and his development of reliefs as an alternative of simple art. Tatlin was working collectively with Kazimir Malevich in the Cubo-Futurist movement, but this changed in the year 1913 when he came into contact with...

Words: 1958

Pages: 8


Byron Kim Bibliography Kim Byron is a contemporary artist that was born in La Jolla California in 1961. His early years in art were in the 1990s where he produced artwork with single colours on canvases. His works made a major contribution to the Whitney Biennial. Part of...

Words: 2081

Pages: 8

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