Essays on Advertising

Chipotle’s Ingredients Reign Campaign

This advertising campaign by the American Mexican restaurant was released in October 2016. The main goal of the campaign was to shop the company from the controversies surrounding its business practices in the first half of 2016. Some customers of the restaurant chain sued its management after they go in...

Words: 817

Pages: 3

Branding and Advertising

Part A: Customer Satisfaction and Product Guarantee Plan I took an commercial from the Advertising Age, a magazine that grants news, data and evaluation on marketing. The magazine indicates Taste the Feeling advertisement developed by means of Coca-Cola Company. It shows two female lying conveniently on their backs as they...

Words: 2144

Pages: 8

Advertisement Analysis

Starbuckto sleep and lack of sleep for long hours can cause fatigue. Hence the Ad brings about a feeling that one is not supposed to take too much coffee as it may result to long hours without sleep. By the use a celebrity could be better as it would be...

Words: 905

Pages: 4

Propaganda Techniques in Today’s Advertising Americans

McClintock’s blog post “Propaganda Techniques in Today’s Advertising Americans” focuses on propaganda advertisements and how they influence Americans when it comes to making choices. Overall, the article capacity that although some ads might be informative, most of them, in particular political ones are propagandas are intended to seduce, mislead, and...

Words: 381

Pages: 2

Advertisement in Facebook

Facebook ads is the practice of advertising on social medial for making money. It’s an example of what is called “paid social”. Paid social helps the users to find business that are based on their interest and goal in the ways that they behave online rather than in the paid...

Words: 1005

Pages: 4

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