Process Essays

When your college professor asks for a great process essay paper, it means that you should provide clear guidance about how something is done with a detailed description of a certain process. The topics for such writing can vary from business management conflict resolution to the creation of a chemical solution, which is why essay examples in this field can provide something for everyone. It is recommended to use the bullet points and step-by-step guidance as you write. See our paper samples as a reference to keep the formatting correct. If you are hesitant about what process to consider for your work, look through each process's essay example and pick something that fits your initial university course.

Critical Infrastructure Protection

Over the previous decade, there has been growth in threats to critical infrastructure sectors to potential disastrous dimensions. Critical infrastructure protection has turned out to be an issue of economic stability, domestic security, and public safety.  To protect the nation from cyber-attacks to critical infrastructure it is imperative the United...

Words: 3175

Pages: 12

Adaptive Reuse of Buildings

When a building is enabled to meet new conditions, this is known as adaptive use. This process aims to reap benefits the benefit of the exemplified energy and worth of original structure in a sustainable manner (Bullen Love, 2011). Occurrences, where the construction or building carries a tradition...

Words: 926

Pages: 4

The Causes of Homelessness

Homelessness is a human tragedy, especially in world’s largest economy, community members live in tents, under bridges. They are vulnerable to violence and stripped of dignity and collective respect. It has great impact on us whether we experience it or not. Homelessness is a worldwide problem. U.S is not an...

Words: 1638

Pages: 6

Wells Fargo and Their Most Significant Ethical Dilemma

Wells Fargo company was founded on the American frontier in 1852 as a transporting agency to connects consumers and markets in a fast and secure way across long distances (Wells Fargo,2018). Today, the company is a diversified financial services provider. The community finance operations of the institution serve at least...

Words: 1842

Pages: 7

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs and Alderfer’s Erg Theory

Considering the changing mode of conducting businesses and the increasing rate of globalization, motivating employees is continuously becoming a complex task for many organizations. A proper worker motivation strategy must first understand the needs, behavior, and satisfaction and to employ mechanisms that will ensure the strategies are executed or implemented...

Words: 977

Pages: 4

Artificial Intelligence Will Overthrow Human Labour

A majority of people and organisations have embraced machines as a way of ensuring efficiency of work and minimizing the cost of output. Artificial intelligence is programming machines such that they can mimic human beings in terms of performing tasks and solving problems. There is no denying that technological advancements...

Words: 1605

Pages: 6

The Culture of Enron

What observable artifacts or physical manifestations of culture existed in Enron? Provide examples. One observable artifact or physical manifestation of the culture that existed in Enron was its financial extravagance as seen in their lofty spending's in parties as well as other events. The lofty spending of the company highlighted a...

Words: 628

Pages: 3

Refurbishment of the Food Hall at Birmingham Store

One of the most critical business decisions One of the most critical business decisions is always to retain or refurbish the entire business or a section of it. There are factors to be considered before one decides on either option. For a business to succeed, this critical decision has to be...

Words: 2053

Pages: 8

The Incident of Southwest Airlines Flight 1380

The event relates to a bizarre incident involving the explosion of the Southwest Airline flight 1380 left engine that led to death of 43-year old Jennifer Riordan in Philadelphia. The explosion send shrapnel into window next to seat 14C where the victim was seated, breaking the window, and the sudden...

Words: 373

Pages: 2

Analysis of Toll Roads

Toll Roads and Turnpikes Toll road or a turnpike is a communal or privately owned road for which a charge is made for access (Yang, 310). It is a system of highway charging instigated to aid recover the expense of highway construction and conservation. Economists established that when a commodity that...

Words: 739

Pages: 3

The Role of Cryptocurrency in the Future

Cryptocurrency refers to a digital currency created and managed through application of encrypted techniques or cryptography. The introduction of the Bitcoin in 2009 opened an avenue for cryptocurrency trade and in 2013; it peaked to about $266 per bitcoin (Rosec). All transactions are done via network rendering it free from...

Words: 1132

Pages: 5

The Product, Distribution, Price and Promotion Strategy of REI and Its Competitor, LL Bean

Due to the introduction of technology in businesses, it is crucial for retailers to be innovative to meet the demand of many customers. The retailers should also integrate marketing strategies that add in keeping the success of their firms. This paper compares the product, distribution, price and promotion strategies of...

Words: 760

Pages: 3

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