Essays on World History

The Allied Victory in World War II

Germany and her potential allies rose to prominence early in the Second World War and led several successful operations throughout Europe, Middle and East Asia, and East and North Africa. But as the conflict went on, the Allied forces quickly grew stronger as they prioritized defeating Germany. The Allies eventually...

Words: 2552

Pages: 10

The Mali Empire

The Rise and Fall of the Mali Empire The ancient country of Ghana gave rise to the Mali Empire, which predated the Songhai dynasty and lasted from the early 13th century to the late 15th century. Previously, Mali was a state that belonged to the monarchy of Ghana. King Sundiata, also...

Words: 523

Pages: 2

Martin Luther and the German Reformation

First passage/observation Martin Luther and the German Reformation: Author, Source Title: Rob Sorensen. Contexts, both historical and rhetorical Rob Sorensen, a German historian with an interest in studying the development of political and religious institutions in Europe, wrote the passage. The book was written in the winter of 2016––july, and...

Words: 329

Pages: 2

How the Mediterranean region and/or Europe would have evolved differently if Carthage had won the Punic Wars instead of Rome

First, it's crucial to understand that the first Punic War, which Rome ultimately won, led to the two that followed. Rome would not have expanded into the western Mediterranean if it had lost the first Punic War to Carthage. Sicily would most likely be a part of Carthage, whose fleet...

Words: 301

Pages: 2

England shifting from being a Catholic country to a Protestant stronghold

England underwent a change from being a Catholic nation to a Protestant bastion between 1530 and 1580. By the close of this time, it had transformed into a land of anti-papal activity and whitewashed chapels. This faith shift had an effect on the entire nation, from the cities to the...

Words: 1142

Pages: 5

The World's Columbian exposition

The World s Columbian Exposition The World s Columbian Exposition continues to rank among the most well-known, important, and culturally significant moments in human history. The event s planners had a unified message they wanted to convey to the world about the advancements America had made in a variety of areas,...

Words: 924

Pages: 4

Farming in Mesoamerica

The archaic period of Mesoamerican chronology, which lasted from 8000 to 2000 BC, is when agriculture first appeared in the region. The earliest hunters lived a nomadic lifestyle and depended on hunting and gathering to provide for their daily needs between 50,000 and 10,000 BC. The nomadic lifestyle that ruled...

Words: 2295

Pages: 9

The European history

Early Modern Europe Early modern Europe is the term used to describe the period of European history from the Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution. Early modern Europe is thought to have been defined by the development of the printing press with moveable type. The conclusion of the War of the...

Words: 412

Pages: 2

The Vietnam War

In the first episode of the Vietnam War, which lasted from 1858 to 1961, the Vietnamese revolutionaries headed by Chi Minh put an end to a century of French colonialist rule. As the cold war heats up, we witness the division of Vietnam in Geneva. While America backs Ngo Dinh...

Words: 2040

Pages: 8

The Origin of Group Chat

The Origin of the Land and Water Gods The globe was largely covered in water long ago when humans and animals coexisted on the same continent and the bright sky stretched overhead. The water was the realm of the female god Gertrude, and the land was governed by the greater goddess...

Words: 593

Pages: 3

First Council of Nicea

A collection of bishops met to form the "First Council of Nicea" in Bythanian in Nicea. In the year 325 AD, Roman Emperor Constantine I convened the council. There was a significant split between the Christians and the Romans at this time. This council was viewed as a first step...

Words: 2118

Pages: 8

The Black Death

People in the Middle Ages held that illness was brought on by sin or God's displeasure, so they thought that the Black Death was brought on by his wrath. People responded to the issue by turning to God for prevention because they believed that since God caused the disease, He...

Words: 1837

Pages: 7

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