The Social Control Theory

Every community aspires to have social control. In our societies, it aids in achieving societal order. There is a traditional theory that seeks to instill both positive thinkers and societal order. Although the two ideas are somewhat dissimilar, they both aim to bring about social order as their end goal....

Words: 1171

Pages: 5

Healthcare and Medicine Essay

Adopting the proper health promotion theory and model of action is the first step in encouraging, educating, or assisting individuals to live healthier lives and build healthy communities. The establishment of institutions that ensure sustainable healthcare administration should be guided by the model. The environmental, social, and economic factors that...

Words: 671

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The Rational Choice Theory

The rational choice theory and its application to crime The rational choice theory is frequently applied to understanding and simulating economic and human behavior. According to this theory, people are most likely to decide to take a course of action that will give them the most pleasure. This theory contends that...

Words: 434

Pages: 2

My four letter personality type is ISTJ.

This practice did not surprise me because my character is ideal for taking such actions in my life. The outcomes are somewhat accurate and portray my existence in a variety of ways. My first criterion, introversion, indicates that my only source of knowledge and energy is the universe inside of...

Words: 340

Pages: 2

The basis of analysis of the behaviour and beliefs of other people

The idea of the mind and its cultural influences The idea of the mind is the foundation for analyzing other people's behavior and beliefs. As a result, ethnopsychology, which derives from cultural influences, is related to perceptions, emotions, and motivation as a construct of knowledge. The capacity of cultural variations to...

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Pages: 3


Absolutism in France Absolutism is a political theory and practice that entails applying the total, unrestricted sovereignty and concentrated power that is bestowed, in particular, on a dictator or monarch. In this system of government, no agency, whether it be a religious, legislative, judicial, electoral, or economic one, has the legal...

Words: 1100

Pages: 4

Applications of Marxist Theories to Punishment

Brown's Claims on Discipline and Class in Society Brown (2009) claims on page 32 that discipline has traditionally been strengthened as a means of either enhancing or frightening. According to Marxist theories, the way punishment is administered depends on the makeup of the organization. He believed that there was a distinction...

Words: 2718

Pages: 10


The study looks at criminal behavior and deviance ideas. From the biological, sociological, and psychological vantage points, specific hypotheses are chosen. They are then carefully examined based on factors like their advantages and disadvantages. The differences and parallels between them are then compared in order to establish a foundation upon...

Words: 3117

Pages: 12

The criminal law issue

The word "criminal law" The word "criminal law" refers to a body of statutory regulations that govern what behavior is regarded as criminal and how judges may prosecute offenders. (Devereux, 2008). A person commits a criminal act A person commits a criminal act whenever they violate the law and fail to follow the...

Words: 951

Pages: 4

Cultural Theory by Stuart Hall

One of the academics who proposed the concept of British cultural studies was Stuart Hall. He was a Jamaican-born cultural theorist who primarily influenced ideas about culture and the role that the media should play in promoting culture through their messages by creating a way in which the audience is...

Words: 2796

Pages: 11

The Legal Ethical Theory

Legal Ethics Legal Ethics aims to address the behavior of attorneys in accordance with their adherence to professional practice standards and codes of ethics. (Arjona 2013, pg. 51). Legal ethics theories are based on the idea that attorneys are essential to the rule of law and its administration, which is based...

Words: 2286

Pages: 9


The present American healthcare system is undergoing radical changes that are intended to increase access, improve outcomes, and reduce costs. (Durand, Narayan, Rybicki, Burleson, Nagy, McGinty, & Duszak, 2015). The public, private, and nonprofit sectors make up the intended audience for this campaign about healthcare transparency, with an emphasis primarily...

Words: 515

Pages: 2

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