Essays on Teaching Philosophy

Mindset of a Teacher

Mindset and Teaching Excellence Mindset plays a great role in shaping the act of teaching. Teaching excellence depends on the mindset of a teacher. There are two types of mindset; the growth and fixed. Sometimes a teacher may find himself with a fixed mindset depending on their goal. If a teacher...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

guidance Children philosophy

Children's guidance philosophy can be defined as the goal of early childhood educators to create an environment in which children are provided the assistance they require to grow and develop well. Additionally, children philosophy of guiding can be defined as actions and processes developed by children educators and development professionals...

Words: 984

Pages: 4

Husserl’s The Vienna Lecture

Edmund Husserl examines the current cultural crises in Europe that resulted from the spirit of enlightenment that had settled over the continent in The Vienna Lecture, one of his best-known works. Husserl, a fervent European nationalist, laments the systematic destruction of valuable cultural items brought on by modernity's intrusion into...

Words: 4338

Pages: 16

The value of philosophy

The Value of Philosophy in Pursuit of Knowledge The value of philosophy can be shown in its unwavering pursuit of knowledge. Philosophy, like other sciences and schools of thought, aims to make individuals more acquainted and comfortable with key concepts. But, in its pursuit of knowledge, philosophy distinguishes itself from other...

Words: 318

Pages: 2

Philosophy of teaching and learning

People learn and encode knowledge in their brains in completely different ways in real life. It describes the different personal learning styles that exist, such as visual, tactile, and auditory learning styles, for this purpose (Oliver et al., 2014). Visual learning is my preferred method of instruction. This learning style...

Words: 1310

Pages: 5

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