Essays on Social Media Marketing

The Role of Social Media in Promoting a Product

This research aims to do an in-depth analysis of the role of the impact of social media on a product's promotional activities (Wood, 2012). It seeks to analyze how the social interaction of the various consumers through social media platforms can be taken advantage of to boost the sales of...

Words: 409

Pages: 2

The Potential of Social Media for Luxury Brand Management

Studies on digital marketing have increased with the expansion of the social media space. Many salesmen have realized that social media can significantly aid in reaching out to more customers thereby boosting profits. However, few studies have been done concerning the use of social media as a digital marketing tool...

Words: 4057

Pages: 15

The Impact of Social Media on Destination Image

Internet has revolutionized global business in the 21st century. It has improved the speed of connecting to the customers international, cost effective in terms of the economies of scale, and provided promising avenues to venture and promote in novel business opportunities to many customers globally (Boulianne, 2017, p. 5). One...

Words: 3523

Pages: 13

Social Media Marketing Process

In the present era of digital communication, the social network gives a business more exposure to potential clients. Many companies would wish to use these online platforms to advertise their products and in return get customer feedback and even make sales. The aim of this paper is to give a...

Words: 990

Pages: 4

Social Media Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages

In the contemporary world, it is almost impossible to ignore the potential of social media on any business operation. Social media has resulted in many people conducting most of their social engagements online (Lafayette). Social media use has made it possible for people in various parts of the world to...

Words: 1701

Pages: 7

How to create a good online presence

The majority of businesspeople believe that having little to no online reputation is something to be happy about. The situation is not good at all since some of the potential clients who cannot trace or find any information regarding the firm from the internet may tend to think that the...

Words: 3281

Pages: 12

Social media as a marketing tool

Social and media were combined to generate the term "social media". "Social" describes interactions between people, a community, or even a group of people who share interests. A channel or platform via which ideas are created and exchanged is called media, as its name suggests (Razmerita, Kirchner & Nabeth, 2014)....

Words: 3049

Pages: 12

Social Media Marketing in the Tourism Industry

Social networks have grown lately to rule all aspects of life, such as news, interaction, politics, advertising, etc. The majority of people have access to social media, which is why by 2013, it had replaced television as the top platform used by people for social activities, according to the time...

Words: 3270

Pages: 12

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