Essays on Personal Finance

Simple Savings Calculator

Time Value of Money, Opportunity Cost, and Income Taxes Worksheet Scenario 1: Time Value of Money / Cash Management Products 1. Use this Bankrate’s Simple Savings calculator to complete Scenario 1: You will enter the Initial Amount of Savings (Present Value), Annual Interest Rate (Rate of Return),...

Words: 1233

Pages: 5

The Importance of a Good Credit Score

A credit score is the amount of risk that a person will fulfil his or her obligations on a loan, mortgage, or credit card payment that they take from a lender. The credit score is important in determining the risk that the person poses for the lender’s money, which allows...

Words: 421

Pages: 2

Credit Card Analysis

Here, the minimum is the interest + 1% of the balance. For this reason, it has to default at $15 minimum. Question 2: Impact of Interest Rates For 5% increase, the interest = (5%+15%) = 20%/12 = 1.7% of the balance per month’s total payment which results to $2,100 for a period...

Words: 605

Pages: 3

The third world's political economy of tourism

There are wide disparities between the wealthy and the impoverished in many third-world nations that are popular tourist destinations. Despite receiving income from tourists, this continues. Most locals can only profit from tourism through work or artisanal pursuits. The majority of places with significant tourist attractions are characterized by regional disparities,...

Words: 560

Pages: 3

Credit card debt

One of the most significant financial obstacles that the majority of people encounter on a regular basis is credit card debt. People who use credit cards should ideally have a steady stream of income that ensures they can repay the debt. This isn't always the case, though, as the majority...

Words: 1444

Pages: 6

Cure Yourself of Tree Blindness

The Lack of Understanding about Forests The author worries about how little people in America understand about forests. He is agitated by their lack of interest in forests and the natural world in general, despite their high intelligence. He made the decision to write about science and the environment in addition...

Words: 931

Pages: 4

The Short Story: U.F.O in Kushiro by Haruki Murakami

Haruki Murakami's "U.F.O in Kushiro" and its Inspiration Haruki Murakami drew inspiration from actual occurrences surrounding the 1995 earthquake in Japan for his short story "U.F. O in Kushiro." According to reports, the traumatic incident claimed the lives of several residents of the Kobe region of contemporary Japan. Despite the distressing...

Words: 1189

Pages: 5

The risks and returns on stock investment in a financial market

Each investment involves accepting risks because there are no returns without taking risks. The only low-risk investment is in government securities such as treasury bonds. Yet, this should not be misinterpreted to mean that investment in government assets always guarantees a return. Yet, taking on too much risk does not...

Words: 305

Pages: 2

Fine-Dining Restaurant Selection

Fine Dining: An Introduction Fine dining is a combination of the finest food, as well as the service and environment of the restaurant. Others regard it as the most expensive form of restaurant that can be established and managed (Harrington et al. 273). It indicates that one can generate more money...

Words: 939

Pages: 4

Capital investment in business

In business, capital investment refers to money or resources invested with the hope of profit. Such investments are repaid through corporate earnings over time. Companies can make investments by acquiring physical and financial assets such as bonds and stocks (Javid 59). Large corporate expenses are considered capital investments as well....

Words: 884

Pages: 4

Inflation in venezuela

Inflation in Venezuela: Causes and Consequences Inflation is defined as a prolonged increase in the overall price level of goods and services offered by a specific economy. It is commonly reported as a percentage per year, however monthly and quarterly numbers are also available. In general, when there is inflation, the...

Words: 965

Pages: 4

What would you advise the CEO of Woolworths

In order to appeal to a sizable client market in society, Woolworth decided to invest in technology. This may help improve the quality of its service delivery. The company also concentrated on modernizing its management to operate on a technology foundation, which will help it succeed as a corporation. Woolworths had to...

Words: 938

Pages: 4

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