Essays on Painting

Value of Art

What determines the value of art is a common question that is asked all the time. Looking at the value of a piece of art is more complex than most people think. Although the value of art is subjective, fine art is a subjective commodity. Apart from the time it...

Words: 1570

Pages: 6

Jan Van Eyck: The Portrait of a Man in a Turban

Jan van Eyck, a Flemish painter was recognized to be one of the greatest northern renaissance artists to have emerged during the 14th century, a period where the Byzantine art phrase was being traded for the realism period (Ridderbos, Bernhard, Anne Van Buren, and Henk 3). Throughout his paintings, the...

Words: 1024

Pages: 4

The Artwork Twilight in the Wilderness

1.    Provide the title of the artwork, the artist’s name, and list the contents of the artwork. Twilight in the wilderness by Frederic Edwin Church. The artwork depicts the wilderness in all its possibilities. It shows a landscape with a bright sunset of striped, smoldering red clouds over a mountain lake...

Words: 1763

Pages: 7

Vanitas Painting

Vanitas Painting Vanitas painting is a very special style of still painting that objects were mostly associated with the Netherlands a the set of the 17th century. The diction entailed objects including books that can be easily found on the still life platform. The main aim of this artistry work is...

Words: 1492

Pages: 6

Abstract Expressionism in Willem De Kooning

Willem de Kooning is a Dutch-American painter, sculptor and Draftsman better known for the abstract expressionist movement. De Kooning was born in the Netherlands, Rotterdam on April 24, 1904, and died in 1997 at East Hampton, New York. In 1926, the artist immigrated to the US, and by 1962 he...

Words: 1332

Pages: 5

Analysis of The Art of Ryan Sarah Murphy and Cynthia Mason

The Most Preferred Painting: Ryan Sarah Murphy (Minor break) The art that I can respond to the most is Ryan Sarah Murphy (Minor break). This is because it comes with the foam core that makes it attractive. In addition, the minor break art is well designed to the extent that it...

Words: 302

Pages: 2

Analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa

Despite several theories which surround the painting created by Leonardo da Vinci it is believed that the Mona Lisa was painted to show the younger generation about his skills. Leonardo was a perfectionist in his work and this was shown through the painting of Mona Lisa, which he always kept...

Words: 630

Pages: 3

The Painting of Mona Lisa

An artistic piece which this paper criticizes is the paintings of a prolific artist known as Leonardo da Vinci. His famous painting is called Mona Lisa that was designed in the 16th century. The art has been brought up in the form of a female human being named Lisa Gherardini....

Words: 625

Pages: 3

The Painting "Two Fridas" by Frida Kahlo

The fans and connoisseurs of Frida Kahlo know that the works of a famous Mexican artist are sometimes so small that it is not easy to look at all the details. However, her works are so rich in details that they are presented in the galleries in special light and...

Words: 1371

Pages: 5

Berthe Morisot

Painting Analysis: Young Woman Powdering Herself by Morisot The last painting represents the work of Berthe Morisot, which was displayed for the first time in the year 1877. The piece reflects a theme which typically suited the artist's taste and preference for light and luminous tones (Jacobus 197). These aspects were...

Words: 238

Pages: 1

Leonardo Da Vinci's The Mona Lisa

Art Criticism Art criticism refers to the analyzing and evaluating works of art, in art criticism we look at different forms of arts we view them in a business way. We look at what the piece of art represents that is the time the piece of done, the movement and the...

Words: 2651

Pages: 10

Impressionist Painting by Claude Monet

The Impressionists were concerned with luxury lifestyle. They loved the beauty of nature that surrounded them, influencing them to think of painting the reality of events and appearance of things in life. Equally, their love for leisure is demonstrated by the interest they developed towards the changes on nature, weather,...

Words: 322

Pages: 2

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