Essays on Mental Health

Zara and H&M Comparative Analysis on Brand Strategy

This section provides the results of the study that was undertaken the previous sections with reference to Zara and H M in United Kingdom. As such, the section is organised in three portions, including brand loyalty, brand strategy, and financial brand equity. The summary section provides findings on the UK...

Words: 3726

Pages: 14

The Role of Art in Mental Health

It is a well known fact that symbols hold meaning both in the conscious and unconscious mind. Through the use of images, symbols, or pictures, an organic form of communication is developed. The origin form of communication has the ability to provide more information than mere words. Through the use...

Words: 4999

Pages: 19

Trauma Informed Care and Practice

Study findings for a couple of years have been crucial in improving the healthcare services through informed care and practice. However, the results of the findings can only be of importance if they are translated and implemented into informed care and nursing practice. In retrospect, nursing is crucial facets of...

Words: 1249

Pages: 5

Depression Treatment Options

Depression - A Serious Mental Health Issue Depression is a serious mental health issue that affects millions of people across the world. The World Health Organization ranks depression as the most prevalent cause of disability worldwide. The condition interferes with people's social functioning and if necessary interventions are not taken, it...

Words: 1881

Pages: 7

The Impact of Stress on Health

Stress is a factor which can either be physical, mental or emotional that causes bodily or mental tension. Negative events are strongly associated with poor physical and mental health. Negative events on people’s lives are referred to as “life events” or “stressful events”. The more negative events that and individual...

Words: 1125

Pages: 5

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

The paper will use case study # 4 Sumi to discuss the generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and give the possible treatment of the same. Task 2 Sumi is suffered from generalized anxiety disorder. She is extremely worried about school work...

Words: 2158

Pages: 8

The Effect of Diet on Depression

Men and women are both affected by depression in Australia although men are affected mostly. There is a number of variable factors that can result to depression which include; Consuming an unhealthy diet which has high sugar level, high salt level, high fat and lack of fiber. Anxiety which in...

Words: 916

Pages: 4

Psychological Disorders

Psychological disorders Psychological disorders are mental illnesses that affect how an individual's brain functions. Voices in the head affect the ability to distinguish between imaginary and actual experiences. Mental disorders affect individual's emotions, which results in moody and abnormal body behavior. Mental disorders damage emotional senses and eventually affect physical health....

Words: 273

Pages: 1


Kindly provide answers to the following questions. Where a yes/no response is required kindly give one answer either yes or no. The information you give is held with high standards of confidentiality, and your cooperation will be highly appreciated. SECTION I DIFFICULTY SLEEPING. 1. Do you experience loss of...

Words: 1087

Pages: 4

The Importance of Cultural Competency in Crisis Intervention

Different crises continue to assail the global population, some caused by human beings themselves while others by nature. Regardless of causes and magnitudes of the outcomes, most of these crises have a detrimental impact on overall mental health of their victims (Silva, Siegmund " Bredemeier, 2015). This may be as...

Words: 1254

Pages: 5

The Role of Friendship in Mental Health

Friendship is a fundamental aspect of human life as it plays a crucial role in the overall wellbeing of person. Existence of friends in an individual’s life is not only vital for the social-being of the individual but also the health of the individual. In quite a number of studies...

Words: 2438

Pages: 9

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression

Depression and Its Impact Depression is a serious mental health issue that affects millions of people across the world. The World Health Organization ranks depression as the most prevalent cause of disability worldwide. The condition interferes with people's social functioning and if necessary interventions are not taken, it changes the lifestyle...

Words: 1855

Pages: 7

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