The Rise of Cesare Borgia and Agathocles

Cesare Borgia s Rise and Fall from Power Those who acquire power from fortunes have fewer problems in rising but the bigger issue is to stay on top. Cesare Borgia is a good example of a prince who got powers from the favors of his father while he was a pope....

Words: 562

Pages: 3

The Origins of Politics

The main tenets of ancient modern debate revolve around social, economic, and political issues. They deal with the acquisition of power, retention of power, and human control. Scholars like Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Plato have discussed the issues that even today continue shaping modern day politics. The initial belief of...

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Pages: 12

Analysis of Torcello

Title: Torso II (Torcello) Artist: Barbara Hepworth Medium: Bronze, cast number 1/6 Dimensions: 36 x 19 x 13 inches Date: 1958 Description The art belongs to a collection of 3 bronzes that were made in 1958. Even though, Ulysses (Torso I) and Galatea (Torso III) were the inspirations of Greece, Peter Tomory, former director, suggested that...

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The Roman Question

The struggle between the Roman Catholic Church and the Italian state is referred to as the Roman Question. The issue emerged in 1861, when Rome was declared the republic of Italy's undivided capital. The Lateran Pacts, signed in 1929 by Victor Emmanuel III of Italy and Pope Pius XI, eventually...

Words: 1983

Pages: 8

Unification of Italy Essay

In conclusion, nationalism was a prominent political idea in the past, which was many hundred years ago. Politics support mobilization is sometimes included in the definition of patriotism. A good example is the globally unavoidable rise in engagements for national releases, which began mostly after World War II. At first,...

Words: 2095

Pages: 8

Italian cuisine essay

Italian Food and DOP Labels Italian food is always distinctive and incredibly well-liked worldwide. Consequently, they are recognized by DOP labels. All Italian packaged foods must meet the Denominazione di Origine Protetta (Protected Designation of Origin) standards for certification. The foods that bear this label are of a high standard, each...

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Pages: 2

The influence of Italian Art & culture in the world."

Italy is regarded as the birthplace of Western civilization and a cultural superpower (Manzi, p.65). The European Integration, the Risorgimento, the Renaissance, the Roman Catholic ecclesiastical system, the Roman Empire, and Magna Graecia all had their origins in Italy. Throughout its history, the nation has produced a staggering number of...

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Pages: 6

Early Operas of Verdi

Italian Revolutionaries of the 19th Century and the Risorgimento MovementItalian revolutionaries of the 19th century were part of the Risorgimento movement, which translates as "rising again." Italian nobility exploited the movement to overthrow foreign rulers and unite the peninsula under a single authority. While other cultures practiced a hyper-individualistic kind...

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Pages: 2

leaders and machiavelli's advice

Niccol Machiavelli, a Renaissance scholar, was born in May 1469 in Florence, modern-day Italy, and lived to the age of 58. Machiavelli was an important man whose works are known as cornerstones of modern political science. He was a diplomat and politician, as well as a philosopher and poet. Over...

Words: 1745

Pages: 7

Cassini Spacecraft

After 20 years in orbit, the Cassini Spacecraft is now able to launch the final step of its discovery. The Cassini would start out on a daring set of orbits, equivalent to a new mission. The Cassini will launch a sequence of 22 weeks of diving between Saturn and the...

Words: 974

Pages: 4

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