Essays on Humanism


The Political Adherence to Humanistic Principles: Civic Humanism The political adherence to humanistic principles that is founded on elements of communism, republicanism, and statism is referred to as civic humanism. Rule of law is the practice of the government operating in accordance with the provisions of the law rather than with...

Words: 1868

Pages: 7

Humanism and Culture of Renaissance Europe by Charles G. Nauert

The term "renaissance" is well-established in history jargon. (Nauert and Cambridge University Pres, 2012). With his 12th Century Renaissance, the great American medievalist Charles Homer Haskins helped to popularize that notion. In addition to the fact that this racial restitution was a direct precursor to every ongoing European development, Charles...

Words: 1136

Pages: 5

Humanism in the Renaissance

The Renaissance-era philosophy of humanism The Renaissance-era philosophy of humanism emerged not as a modern way of interpreting metaphysical understanding, but as a source of new knowledge and a new area. Humanism, by contrast, is based on the ideology that, rather than attributing social problems to a spiritual entity or external...

Words: 1167

Pages: 5

the Renaissance Humanism

IntroductionDespite the domination of scholasticism in most universities throughout Europe, the Italian Renaissance produced humanism, which proved to be one of the most distinctive and special academic movements of the period. Humanism was established in Italy in the fourteenth century and went through a maturation period that influenced the intellectual...

Words: 906

Pages: 4

Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth In Honor of that High

Poetry is one of the most important mediums for a poet to express his or her thoughts to an audience. The subject of the poem, on the other hand, is determined by the intended audience and the context in which the poem is composed. A single poem may have a...

Words: 1458

Pages: 6

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