Essays on HR Management

Characteristics of a Good Manager

A highly motivated and professional individual with a vast experience in management and leadership. Approachable and responds positively to the needs of colleagues and clients. Excellent communication skills, critical thinking ability, great in planning and confident to work both as part of a team and at an individual basis using...

Words: 337

Pages: 2

McDonald's Job Description

McDonald’s treats their staff as a vital asset. They provide their employees with the best employment experience to ensure that they achieve their goal. The organisation aims at providing its customers with the best quick-service restaurant experience. Furthermore, McDonald’s strives to provide the best work environment for the staff, recruit...

Words: 1265

Pages: 5

Performance Appraisal

Performance management is the process of identifying employees’ strengths and weaknesses based on the past and current performances. In this case, however, Brenda is not provided with past performance appraisal data and therefore, to create a new appraisal system for her employer, she will follow the following steps. First, Brenda...

Words: 310

Pages: 2

Workplace Bullying and Harassment

This paper is based on the topic of workplace harassment and bullying. Workplace harassment and bullying entail a critical well-being and compliance challenge to the Australian workplaces, both in the public and private sectors. In the recent past, the legal framework related to workplace bullying has continued to crystallize and...

Words: 2885

Pages: 11

Reducing Attrition through Training and Development

There are various training and development methods that I can use as the HR Director to improve employee morale and reduce attrition in a scenario where expert employees leave the company after only six months to a year of employment. Since the employees of the technology company are expected to...

Words: 307

Pages: 2

Fear and Adventure Tourism in Brazil

In the article Fear and adventure tourism in Brazil, the authors have communicated logically, to their audience; people who love adventure, the role of emotions and perceptions experienced during the exploration undertakings, and in the hunt for an ideal stimulation level. The title of the article is clear and concise,...

Words: 914

Pages: 4

Human Resource Management of Great Coffee Shop

The Great Coffee Shop was opened with the mission of being the coffee house of choice for the locals. This meant providing them with quality products and services more than that of the competitors and meeting the high demand for coffee that has been in existence over a long period....

Words: 3755

Pages: 14

The Importance of Staff Induction

Dwivedi (2009, p.100) describes staff induction as a process of guiding and counselling employees in order that they may familiarize with their work environments. Mulders, Berends and Georges L. Romme (2010, p.158) on the other hand, consider induction to be a process...

Words: 1723

Pages: 7

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs and Alderfer’s Erg Theory

Considering the changing mode of conducting businesses and the increasing rate of globalization, motivating employees is continuously becoming a complex task for many organizations. A proper worker motivation strategy must first understand the needs, behavior, and satisfaction and to employ mechanisms that will ensure the strategies are executed or implemented...

Words: 977

Pages: 4

The Recruitment and Selection Process at XYZ Company

The XYZ limited is a retail business enterprise whose aim is to increase market share as well as its revenues. For this objective to be achieved in the current competitive corporate world, there is a need for organizations to come up with working and a practical strategy that will help...

Words: 2383

Pages: 9

The Consequences of Armed Conflicts on Developing Countries

Armed conflicts in developing countries such as Sudan have severe consequences on the country's economy and the infrastructure. It leads to the damage of infrastructures such as roads and the cost of repairing is so high. War also leads to a reduction of human capital due to the increase in...

Words: 160

Pages: 1

Physical Attractiveness and Beauty in the Job Market

Physical attractiveness and employment Physical attractiveness and beauty have become an asset and talent when it comes to being employed. Like any other jobs, careers like modeling use these assets because it's mostly required for success. Other careers that don't require beauty including being a doctor and engineering as expected requires...

Words: 949

Pages: 4

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