Essays on Experience

Rene Descartes' View of Knowledge

Knowledge is classified as justified true belief under specific conditions. Firstly, the claim must be proven with sufficient evidence. Justification is usually ensured when the information is coherent with previous data. The information must also be clear with respects to logic and language. Counter evidences and contradictions hinder information from...

Words: 847

Pages: 4

Are Disputes over Knowledge Claims Within a Discipline Always Resolvable?

Discipline is a branch of knowledge especially one studied in higher education. The different areas of expertise include arts, general knowledge, human sciences, mathematics, ethics, and history. There is always a difference in perspective over the disciplines as mentioned earlier as concerns knowledge claims. The difference comes about as a...

Words: 654

Pages: 3

The Intelligent Plant

In the article, “The Intelligent Plant”, Pollan, a Journalism lecturer from the University of California, Berkley, elaborates on diverse scientific approaches advanced by different researchers in their attempt to demonstrate that plants are active and as such, exhibit aspects of intelligence and behavioral responses to their environment. The current paper...

Words: 1449

Pages: 6

Moral Dilemma in Ima Smartie's Invention

Moral issues differ from legal ones because they are not concerns of the state. Morality is what tells us whether an action is bad or not. There are several schools of thought on the subject. Depending on which theory you ascribe to, an argument can be made for and against...

Words: 985

Pages: 4

The Role of Memory in a Meaningful Life

Almost every person pursues a meaningful life. Such individuals seek to enjoy positive feelings complemented by constructive emotions that characterize happy lives. While some people may associate useful lives with memorable moments, others believe that the experience does not require thoughts of past events. Nevertheless, extraordinary circumstances act as a...

Words: 1261

Pages: 5

The Impact of Population Aging on Australian Society

Population Aging in Australia Population aging refers to increasing median age of a region's population contributed by rising expectancy and declining fertility rates (Kulik et al, 2014). There has been an exponential growth of the aging population in Australia over the decades driven by remarkable advances in birth control, medicine, and...

Words: 1282

Pages: 5

Themes in The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Malcom X was a renowned human rights activist as well as an African-American Muslim minister who advocated for the rights of blacks. He was an outspoken activist and considered by many especially the black population as an outspoken public voice of the Black Muslim faith. His prominence was felt in...

Words: 1233

Pages: 5

Roads Less Traveled

In life, there are many roads that are less traveled. Most of these roads are avoided due to various reasons that surround the challenges that characterize them. Resultantly, the majority of people do not want to depart from their comfort zones and thus the reason why they fear venturing into...

Words: 289

Pages: 2

Computer Mouse

Substitute: in some instances, changing the shape, size and weight of the mouse can make it more comfortable and straightforward to use. For example, ergonomic mice or trackballs can be used instead. Ergonomic mice are considerably smaller than the regular mouse and can be easily applied to connect to a...

Words: 475

Pages: 2

The Argument for God's Existence

There is a diverse family of arguments whose reasoning are based on the moral life to God’s existence.  Through morality, God is understood as the sole creator of the universe. However, there are interesting moral arguments that claim otherwise because the evaluation of their soundness calls for the attention of...

Words: 903

Pages: 4

The Conflict between Science and Religion

Both science and religion are sources of knowledge for human beings. Religion is described as the beliefs and forms of worship that are mostly followed or pursued with great interest and devotion. It involves the worshipping of a power that is superhuman and that controls the cognitive abilities of human...

Words: 1459

Pages: 6

Guided Mastery

Guided mastery is an art aimed at reducing someone’s anxiety, restoring behavioral function. The guided mastery helps one to control their human functioning, end up appreciating and achieving self-efficacy (Schwarzer 47). David Kelley emphasizes that it may be brought out by being shut down by friends or relatives which makes...

Words: 434

Pages: 2

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