Population Control in China

About twenty-five years ago, China’s main concern was that it had a very high birth rate, too high to provide support for. As China limited its birth rate and introduced a birth control policy this matter came under control. However, as a result of the one-child policy, China has a...

Words: 2257

Pages: 9

The Inverse Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation

Inverse Relationship between Inflation and Unemployment There exists an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment in the short run. In economics, this relationship is referred to as Philip's curve. However, it is not a permanent tradeoff and ceases to exist in the long run. Policy makers have a tough choice to...

Words: 285

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Trade War between America and China

Since the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China trade transactions between the two countries have steadily evolved leading to the signing of multiple bilateral trade treaties. These treaties are meant to guide and improve trade agreements. China has undertaken significant economic reforms which have been complemented...

Words: 739

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The Impact of Agricultural Development on Poverty Eradication in Brazil

Agriculture refers to the art of science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of livestock in order to sustain and enhance life. Over the years, agriculture has evolved from the basic forms of using simple tools of farming and keeping a few...

Words: 3138

Pages: 12

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) The organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD) has the objective of making improvements in the social well-being and economic growth of people across all regions in the world. OECD partners with different government bodies to determine the best policies to implement in...

Words: 1561

Pages: 6

Inflation and Its Effect on Savings and Investments

Inflation tax is the financial loss of value incurred by a holder of cash. For example, if you hold a $1000 bill for one year, then it will purchase on what $980 would have bought a year ago. Inasmuch as excess bank reserves attract nominal interest, the value is still...

Words: 367

Pages: 2

The Effects of Minimum Wage

Minimum wage refers to the price in which it is illegal to buy or sell labor. Minimum wage is normally set by governments and tend to be above the market wage. Under normal conditions, the price of wage will be set by an interaction between the supply of labor and...

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Pages: 5

Effects of Minimum Wage

With the changing state of the global economy Many governments and interest groups have emphasized on the minimum wage that should be paid in their different countries. Although the move is aimed at protecting workers from exploitative employers, it also affects other aspects of the economy including employment, government income, corporate...

Words: 1596

Pages: 6

The Effects of Inflation and Hyperinflation on the Economy

Money plays a significant role in the economy. The purposes of money include as medium of exchange where money is used in exchange for goods and services. Money is also used as measures of value where it acts as a common denominator permitting every good or service to be priced...

Words: 587

Pages: 3

The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth

Human capital is defined as the knowledge, skills and competencies possessed by the labour market which is used to produce goods, services and ideas. Various attributes are embodied in human capital. For instance, a person’s education might be good but possess poor management skills. Human capital is therefore dimensional and...

Words: 3190

Pages: 12

The Effects of Inflation and Deflation on the Economy

Deflation and its Positive Effects Deflation is both a negative and a positive thing. Some of the positive effects of deflation include the fact that it reduces the burden of private and private debt. It also enables banks to adjust and control the interest rates of a product to stabilize the...

Words: 575

Pages: 3

Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The Allegations Against Microsoft The article by Fiegerman discusses the allegations against Microsoft on the issue of gender discrimination and sexual harassment. The author notes that employees of Microsoft have reported 108 cases of sexual harassment and 119 incidences of gender discrimination between 2010 and 2016. Apparently, the company has allowed...

Words: 297

Pages: 2

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