The Benefits of Student Loans

The Opposing Claim: Addressing the Concern over Increased Cost of Higher Education The opposing claim seeks to address the concern over the increased cost of higher education that results in higher student loans. In the past, the number of people requiring the training was low. Therefore, the government funded the education...

Words: 1417

Pages: 6

Amazon Drone Delivery

With increased demands of Amazon products, the company is imagining a technology that was once viewed as a fantasy to help deliver its supplies to the people’s door step. Amazon is considering using octocopters of card- table- size to deliver items at customers’ convenience. After delivery, the drone is expected...

Words: 1050

Pages: 4

Gender Inequality in Workplaces

I chose to write on gender inequality in workplaces since it was a pressing issue in my previous working place. It was superficial that women were discriminated in workplaces which makes them feel sort of lesser human beings. Despite the constitution’s laws instituted for protection against gender inequality, there has...

Words: 1186

Pages: 5

Employment versus Self-employment: Similarities and Contrasts

The Scarcity of Resources and Human Wants The scarcity of resources insatiable human wants characterizes the world and thus requiring that individuals device optimal means of utilizing the available opportunities to realize growth and success. The enhancement in technological advancement and globalization is revitalizing the world as far as access to...

Words: 1432

Pages: 6

Effects of Minimum Wage on Society

A minimum wage: Its Origin and Effects A minimum wage refers to the lowest amount of money that a worker can legally be paid, hourly. It is a legally authorized wage in terms of hours, below which workers are not to accept a particular job, let alone to be offered the...

Words: 1127

Pages: 5

Commercial Pilot Job Description

Commercial pilots Commercial pilots transport passengers and cargo from one place to another. Although their primary work entails flying and navigating airplanes and other aircraft, they are also responsible for reviewing the weather and the condition of an aircraft before a flight, checking the fuel supply and ensuring that a plane...

Words: 374

Pages: 2

The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Indian Economy

Entrepreneurship and its Contribution to the Indian Economy Entrepreneurship plays a very important role in the enhancement of national economic growth. The small and medium enterprises are important parties in an economy that spur the culture of entrepreneurship in India. This sector has helped India to solve problems such as unemployment,...

Words: 2461

Pages: 9

The Historic Royal Palaces

The Historical Royal Palaces was founded in 1998 within the Environmental Department as the Government’s Executive Agency. Within the Historic Royal Palaces were the five palaces which include the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace, Kew Palace, Banqueting House, Kensington Palace and Kew Palace. The abovementioned palaces were all managed...

Words: 2738

Pages: 10

The Impact of Minimum Wage on Unemployment

The minimum wage has been a contentious issue in most countries in the world. There are proponents and antagonists for the issue and many concerns have been raised about the benefits and pitfalls of each argument. In the United Kingdom, the government and bodies such as Low Pay Commission (LPC)...

Words: 2212

Pages: 9

Compensation Strategies Benefits of Leading the Market

One of the major factors that affect the development of a business organization is the compensation strategy in use. The compensation strategies implemented in a firm affect the motivation of employees which in turn affects the level of productivity. There are several compensation methods that organizations can use in the...

Words: 688

Pages: 3

Gender Inclusion in Aviation

Most American Airlines are currently facing shortage due to the management’s inability to incorporate balance in gender and social inclusion (Germain, Herzog " Hamilton, 2012). Studies indicate that over the last three decades, the number of pilots has drastically reduced, but e replacements have been few. As such, there is...

Words: 2017

Pages: 8

New Employment and Impact on Workers

When an employee is treated differently in a workplace because of some external irrelevant qualities such as skin color, gender, origin, religion or age it is called inequality or discrimination in the workplace. Legally an organization is bound to treat all the employees equally. Inequality may take place either in...

Words: 1680

Pages: 7

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