Essays on Economic Problem

The main thesis by Leonhardt

According to the article, Leonhardt's major argument is that the great consumer bust served as the primary impetus for the great recession. "The auto industry is on pace to sell 28 percent fewer new vehicles this year than it did 10 years ago," says Leonhardt as a concrete example. Another illustration...

Words: 279

Pages: 2

Great depression of the 1930s

The Great Depression of the 1930s was perhaps one of the most depressing economic downturns in American and industrialised world history (Rittenberg and Tregarthen 689). It had an undeniable impact on the worldwide economic situation at the time. Despite the causes of the Great Depression are still being contested among...

Words: 2123

Pages: 8

Love in hard times

The Consequences of Economic Recession It takes time for love, true love. The economic situation is getting worse by the day in our country. The downturn in the economy from politics to global economic forces is to blame for several problems. One thing that is assured is that the consequences of...

Words: 472

Pages: 2

Importance of Social Issues

Social issues continue to be a problem that affects our culture today. This is generally due to reasons that vary from personal social concerns to the root of opposing beliefs that arise on the basis of what is perceived to be a morally just social order or personal existence. Social...

Words: 862

Pages: 4

The Contemporary Global Financial Turbulence and Rise of the Global South. World Turned Upside Down?

The Impact of Financial Regulations on Global Economic Instability The primary focus of the paper is on how financial regulations lead to global economic instability. However, there are risks of ignoring these laws in terms of capitalism's vicious circle. The 2008 Global Financial Crisis After the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC), analysts have...

Words: 321

Pages: 2

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