A Sonnet Defining Shakespeare’s Sexuality and Relationship

William Shakespeare was unquestionably the most influential author and playwright of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Dramatized novels, poetry, and sonnets are among his most popular and inventive works. One hundred and fifty-four sonnets are credited to William Shakespeare. Between 1929 and 1959, there was an epidemic of the...

Words: 1705

Pages: 7

A Raisin in the Sun

Lorraine Hansberry wrote the play A Raisin in the Light. The play is about a lower-class black family attempting to achieve middle-class recognition. The play begins with one of the actors, Mama, a sixty-year-old mother of the family who is about to collect a $10,000 insurance payout after the death...

Words: 1425

Pages: 6

A movie "Gifted"

The film entitled “Gifted” The film entitled “Gifted” is a comedy-drama genre film about a 7-year old female Mary Adler who possesses special intellectual abilities. Mary Adler and Frank Her mother, Diane committed suicide when Mary used to be only six months old, and Frank, Diane’s brother and Mary’s uncle becomes the little...

Words: 505

Pages: 2

Answer Paper on the film Avalon

Avalon Avalon is a 1990 film that was released. It has been released in the United States of America as a drama film. Mark Johnson and Barry Levinson, who also directed the film, produced Avalon. Aidan Quinn, Joan Plowright, Elizabeth Perkins, and Armin Muller- Stahl starred in the film. This drama...

Words: 1560

Pages: 6

Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury is an American writer who is best recognized for his Fahrenheit 451 novel. He authored horror stories and rejected being categorised as a science fiction author. He was born in 1920 in Waukegan. He chose to become a author at the age of 12 and later declared that...

Words: 1153

Pages: 5

Ten-Minute Play competition

Along with this please find THE Urge, the submission of my ten minutes play to your contest. The novel, written as a drama, has two female characters and a male character, needs different costumes for different characters, one of the requirements for a house in the middle class. THE DESIRE...

Words: 830

Pages: 4

the Cuban Swimmer analysis

The Cuban Swimmer is a one-act play in the tradition of magical realism. The drama depicts the trials and tribulations of a Cuban family in America. The main character, Margarita Suarez, is competing in the Women's Swim to Catalina. Eduardo Suarez, Margarita's father, Aida, her mum, Simon, Margarita's brother, and...

Words: 840

Pages: 4

Differences in-text citations of short stories, poems, and drama

Appropriate quotation of sources in any research paper, book or news article is critical. There are precise formats for referencing adopted for some fields of study. For instance (MLA) Modern Language Association is commonly used for citing lookup papers in the fields of art, language or literature. The guideline in...

Words: 447

Pages: 2

The Tragic Figure

Introduction In literature, a tragic figure is a type of character that makes a wrong selection or choice which later leads to their downfall or destruction. A tragic figure in a drama; in most cases is typically the protagonist of a misfortune that befalls them. For a character to be termed...

Words: 752

Pages: 3

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