Kashana Cauley in her article, "Trump is Killing the American Dream" (2018), argues that the "classist" and "racist" policies being implemented by the Trump administration are speeding up the death of the American Dream. Cauley supports her argument by explaining how the immigration policies especially deportations and the new...
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Introduction Since President Trump was elected as American president, the phrase "Fake News" has gained popularity. Since his election, President Trump has repeatedly accused the local press of spreading false information, but is this really the case? Many Internet users generate income by publishing false news. (Ohlheiser). The flow of breaking...
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Martin Heidegger's Resignation Martin Heidegger resigns as rector just one year after being appointed due to a confrontation between party officials and professors. He does not abandon the party, but he is not involved in its affairs. I don't believe Heidegger completely supported Hitler because he held conflicting political beliefs and...
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The Affordable Care Act's Impact on American Healthcare The Affordable Care Act is one of the most significant events in the Obama administration since it has had a significant positive impact on healthcare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has recently come under attack, as current President Trump has been a vocal...
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Trump's proposed border wall and its funding Trump's proposed border wall between the US and Mexico raises concerns about how it will be funded. During his campaign for president, President Donald Trump pledged to build a physical wall separating the US from Mexico. He proposed that Mexico would cover the expense...
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Assessing President Trump's Term At the time of President Trump's election, 49% of Americans regarded him unfavorably, while only about 43% viewed him favorably (Schier and Eberly 27).Examining President Trump's Track Record The majority believed that if given the opportunity, President Trump would promote the creation of a nuclear disaster. This essay...
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Donald Trump's Political Strategy Donald Trump's political strategy in Texas and elsewhere did not suit the conventional campaign formula because he prioritized social media over news releases, supporter enthusiasm over campaign donations, and protests over organizations. Since the media that like Trump and his antics is already intent on having a...
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Illegal Immigration and the Need for a Road to Citizenship Illegal immigration is one of the problems that affect the majority of developing nations around the world. The United States has seen an increase in illegal immigration in recent years, forcing Trump's administration to implement policies such as relocation and rigorous...
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In the report, "The keystone pipeline authorisation could tip America's trade balance with Canada," the results of the Trumps decision on the new pipeline were discussed. While the approval of this pipeline is optimistic, there could be a range of questions about Canada-US commercial relations. Trump announced that it would...
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The Raise Act will slash legal immigration by half over the next decade with the introduction of President Donald Trump's immigration bill, potentially closing the door to non-English-speaking persons and thereby abandoning U.S. immigration's once sacrosanct and humane policies. With the strong involvement of Stephan Miller, who insists that the...
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Introduction On October 3, 2016, an article written in the Los Angeles Times reported that Pope Francis was not going to support Donald Trump for the presidential election. Instead, Pope Francis opted to urge the American faithful to "pray, study the two proposals well and choose with a conscience." A blog...
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