The Death of The American Dream

            Kashana Cauley in her article, "Trump is Killing the American Dream" (2018), argues that the "classist" and "racist" policies being implemented by the Trump administration are speeding up the death of the American Dream. Cauley supports her argument by explaining how the immigration policies especially deportations and the new tax bill's effect on education is yanking the American Dream "out of people's hands" and “will…limit people's futures". Her purpose is to bring to the readers' attention the threats that the Trump administration policies pose to the American Dream to help them understand that heightened racism and classism will only result into class and race conflicts. Cauley establishes a formal cautionary relationship with her audience of the general American public who need to co-exist peacefully in a "diversity-rich" country. 

Works Cited

Cauley, Kashana. "Opinion | Trump Is Killing The American Dream." Nytimes.Com, 2018,

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