The campaign style that Donald Trump used to run for Presidency

Donald Trump's Political Strategy

Donald Trump's political strategy in Texas and elsewhere did not suit the conventional campaign formula because he prioritized social media over news releases, supporter enthusiasm over campaign donations, and protests over organizations. Since the media that like Trump and his antics is already intent on having a similar person like Trump in the future, his distinctive approach provides an example of how future campaigns will be managed in the region. After all, Donald's campaigning style is essential in politics because it adds color to the political scene. Twitter and Facebook became the pillars of everyday contact for many Americans between 2007 and 2009. It implies that Trump's effect is not unique since it provides a powerful change in technology and a natural outcome of social, economic forces. Therefore, millions of Americans are eager to get someone like Donald Trump to appear regularly throughout the history of America.

The Role of the Legislature in Texas

Following the fact that Texas has a part-time legislature that meets every other year with poorly paid members and other states have full-time professional legislators who meet every year, neither one is necessarily better. As per my belief, the primary goal is to have an independent legislature that is a coequal branch of government. The legislature should be capable of balancing powers of the executive, passing laws and representing the views of its constituents. The principal goals can be accomplished by different legislatures that have various levels of professionalization. The states should choose an appropriate level of resources such as time, compensation and staff to enable them to achieve the set goals and objectives within their state's cultural, size and complexity context. There is no pretty need of employing a legislator on a part-time basis but work for about two months and goes back home. Similarly, it makes no sense in hiring full-time legislators who are paid about $100,000 per year with a staff of over 2,000 employees to assist in governing a country with a population of 38 million.

The Political Nature of Texas Judicial Branch

As suggested in the notes, I agree with the idea that the judicial branch is just as political as the legislative and executive branches of Texas government. In Texas, Legislative seems to be the most powerful branch of government and is constituted of political leaders. The legislature participates in law making for Texas and the same federal law made, is supposed to be implemented by the judicial branch. It implies that if the legislative passes a federal law that is political, then it would force the judiciary of government to implement the law without any Amendment. The executive branch also plays a role in administering and enforcing federal laws. Therefore, if the legislative and executive branches of government are political, the judicial branch of Texas government also plays a political role in the state.

Balance of Local Independence in Texas

Since Texas is also a state that is made up of cities, towns, and communities like any other state, it must balance its local independence by state law. The balance should be with the local government that is with the Mayors and City Councils as long as the state laws are observed. This would enable the local folks to participate in decision-making at their local levels for better performance. The balance of local independence should vary with the policy area because of the differences in people's culture, population size, economic and social forces.

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