Essays on Artwork

The Distinction Between Privilege and Oppression

Privilege and Oppression - What Do These Concepts Mean to You? Growing up in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), I became aware of the distinction between privilege and oppression at a very young age. With all its glamour and extravagance, the UAE has many flaws with deep roots in its...

Words: 317

Pages: 2

The Role of Documentary Photography in South Africa

In the 20th century, South Africa was under the rule of white minority who introduced the apartheid rule. This was a form of colonial rule that separated access of social amenities through a separate system based on race. Africans were not allowed to go to certain areas, use certain bus...

Words: 4920

Pages: 18

Race and Discrimination: Prejudice in Elementary Children

Part AThe podcast highlights an experiment in racial discrimination that a teacher used to improve the awareness of her class on prejudice during the peak of the civil rights movement. The video titled “A Class Divided” starts by highlighting a reunion of the then third graders who took part in...

Words: 579

Pages: 3

The Ideal Lady in Ovid's Pygmalion

Ovid's Metamorphoses is at times seen as primarily a misanthropic, twisted dream because of the incredibly high volume of sexual maltreatment that swarms it, as Richlin calls attention to, fifty assaults inside fifteen books. While a pertinent contention, this paper will investigate the depiction of ladies in the Metamorphoses in...

Words: 1118

Pages: 5

Pugin's Controversies

Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin was a controversial artist, architect, and critic, born in London and later influenced by his French father into making architectural drawings of medieval and ecclesiastical buildings. He is credited with making significant contributions in the revival of the Gothic tradition (Russell). From 1835 until he died...

Words: 1297

Pages: 5

Essay on The Robots Rebellion by Keith E. Stanovich

Consciousness and its Kinds Often, we end up doing lots of dumb things while in real sense we are smart and intelligent. This situation is well explained by studying consciousness. Consciousness is defined as being awake and aware of the things taking place around us as well as the things that...

Words: 895

Pages: 4

Newman's Critique of Aesthetics

THE ARTIST BARNETT NEWMAN COMMENTED:’AESTHETICS IS FOR ART WHAT ORNITHOLOGY IS FOR THE BIRDS.’ BASED ON IMMANUEL KANT’S PHILOSOPHY HOW WOULD HE RESPOND TO NEWMAN’S CLAIM? Aesthetics and the actual practice of art have been compared with the philosophy of science, modern physics and mathematics for several years. However, academic aesthetics...

Words: 1444

Pages: 6

Ai Weiwei and Censorship in China

“They say that God created all human beings equal, but you are so limited by who you are, whom you know, how much money you have, who your father is, and your education. Nonetheless, through the internet, everything is abstract, but you do not know about that” (Ai Weiwei). Those...

Words: 2854

Pages: 11

The Four Branches of Philosophy

Philosophy is defined as the justification or rationale that people provide in relation to all manner of the phenomenon. The four central branches of philosophy are epistemology, metaphysics, ethics and the philosophy of religion. Epistemology is concerned with issues of knowledge and truth. It concerns itself with the acquisition of...

Words: 345

Pages: 2

The Purpose of Life

In the course of our lives, we constantly strive to find meaning in our lives; it is the nature of our being. Those who found theirs have their names etched in the echelons of history. Having a meaning to our daily existence gives us reasons to look forward to tomorrows...

Words: 1133

Pages: 5

Saltation and Traction

A stream load refers to solid matter carried by a stream (Strahler and Strahler, 2006). There are three components of stream load include: dissolved load, suspended load and bed load. The dissolved load is invisible and it is transported as chemical ions resulting from chemical alteration of minerals or seepage...

Words: 451

Pages: 2

The Role of Politics in America

Yes, politics in the USA has changed. As much as people are still divided along political lines of democrats and republicans, they are more accommodating to the views of others. They now embrace the opinions of others rather than just tolerating each other. However, there is still much to do to...

Words: 437

Pages: 2

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