Problem Solution Essays

Quite popular in the Law and Marketing disciplines, problem solution essay samples represent a type of persuasion where an author tries to persuade one's audience to show some care about the issue in question by offering solutions to a problem. Writing a problem-solution essay means determining the problem and coming up with a list of pre-made defensive statements or reasoning, so you can address the concerns of your readers. It should represent a specific debate where you must guess the possible objectives of your audience and address them in each body paragraph. Check our free problem solution essay examples to see how to structure your thoughts and sound persuasive enough to maintain your thesis statement's reliability.

The Riddle of Oedipus

Oedipus the King is a powerful Greek play written by Sophocles. In the play, the oracles predict the future of the characters, yet the characters try their best to fight against their fate. Oedipus is a mythical king who struggles to find his identity as he tries to run away...

Words: 1155

Pages: 5

Use of Machines in Organizations

The book by Linda McQuaig believes that the existence of machines is killing people and their abilities to work. She also views robots as having been sent to destroy humankind as their performance is killing people. Robots, drones, and computers, according to Linda is working against humankind as their presence...

Words: 921

Pages: 4

The Causes of Low College Graduation Rates in America

College completion and the problem of low graduation rates in the US College completion is an essential indicator that an individual has properly acquired vital skills through education. However, an analysis of colleges in America indicates that they enroll a large number of learners at the beginning of education programs but...

Words: 662

Pages: 3

The Importance of Data Privacy in Today's World

The Benefits of Technology The development and growth of technology are considered to be the best thing to ever happen in the global world, due to the many benefits it brought to its users. Through technology, people can communicate with one another regardless of where they are around the globe. Technology...

Words: 1920

Pages: 7

Analysis of The Wasteland by Elliot

The Wasteland by Elliot The Wasteland by Elliot and The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald are two stories that correspondingly define disappointment of the modernist post-war. Both authors negatively state the way our world is heading from the perception of the modern post-war. Both stories pinpointed that the contemporary society is a...

Words: 1743

Pages: 7

Robert Owen's New Lanark Mills

Robert Owen: Improving the Lives of Children Robert Owen was born in 1771 and lived through the ages of romanticism and enlightenment (Davis "O’Hagan, 2014). During this period, there were advancements and dramatic changes in the economic and social ideas. Robert believed that he had the ability to contribute to social...

Words: 918

Pages: 4

Analysis of Frantz Fanon and Jamaica Kincaid

The Comparison of Black Skin, White Masks and A Small Place The book Black Skin, White Masks is one of the most socially sensitive books to have been written across the world. In the text, Frantz Fanon sought to examine the element, causes and implications of racism. To reinforce his themes,...

Words: 1454

Pages: 6

Lily Casey: A Strong Female Character in Half Broke Horses

In the story, Half Broke Horses, the author, Jeannette narrates the story of Lily Casey, her grandmother, from Lily's point of view. Hence, Lily is the main character in the novel, and the plot of the story primarily revolves around her. Lily was brought up in two different ranches, the...

Words: 1436

Pages: 6

The Role of Women in the Military

The role and the situation of women in military has been changing for the last four decades, and by the beginning of the 21st century, the role of women in military had changed in all the NATO countries, with the number of women in the military increasing dramatically in all...

Words: 1197

Pages: 5

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