Explicatory Essay

In most cases, when you are asked to come up with an explicatory essay, it means that you should provide a clear explanation of a certain written piece. While there can be various topics to work with, as you will see from our explicatory essay examples, they will always deal with a short story, magazine publication, or even a blog post. It is not a summary but a specific analysis that explains the purpose of why something has been written and what thoughts were followed by the author. Take your time to study our paper samples to see how to format such writing and what parts to underline as you analyze the content.

Analysis of Disney's Aladdin

For this research paper I shall critically analyze the film Aladdin. The film even though aesthetically pleasing to the eye and catchy to the ear thanks to Disney’s team of animators, actors, and sound engineers, the film had one fatal flaw; its orientation. The film was accused by critics for...

Words: 2065

Pages: 8

Travelin' Light

I visited the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden, in the City Park, on December 8, 2018. The garden contains more than 64 amazing sculptures, with different creators and historical backgrounds. The sculptures are well maintained, and their environments well kept. The entry was free, making it easy for learners...

Words: 855

Pages: 4

Analysis of Luxury of Islam Art

Luxury of Islamic Art Luxury of Islam art includes vegetal and floral art, geometrical art and calligraphy. The use of this form of art "conditioned to some extent by the Islamic prohibition of the imitation of living creatures" (Saoud). The artwork did not have a representation of life in them. For...

Words: 726

Pages: 3

Art Theory

Art theory aims to broaden one's understanding of art or to theorize on art without using classical definitions. Art is important in society as it's through art that we preserve human culture and traditions. The society can express itself through artwork where one's message can be immortalized in a piece...

Words: 667

Pages: 3

Value of Art

What determines the value of art is a common question that is asked all the time. Looking at the value of a piece of art is more complex than most people think. Although the value of art is subjective, fine art is a subjective commodity. Apart from the time it...

Words: 1570

Pages: 6

Analysis of Michelangelo's Pietà

The classical phase and precisely the High Renaissance contains the Italian pieces of art done from the 1490’s to a better part of the 16th century. The greatest artists of the phase included Michelangelo, Raphael and many others whose works are famous and have been well-maintained over the years. This...

Words: 686

Pages: 3

The Italian Renaissance

The term quattrocento is Italian for “four hundred”. In fine art, this term refers to the 15th century. Therefore, it embraces both cultural and artistic activities involving painting, architecture and sculpture between 1400 and 1500 in Italy. As quattrocento coincided with the Florentine Renaissance, this term is often seen as...

Words: 2085

Pages: 8

My Career Ambitions

Professionally, I have always desired to be a leading scholar in creative arts. The decision to delve into the art industry was motivated by the passion that I have towards making human experiences to be enjoyable. Other disciplines tend to focus on non-living things. However, art is made for aesthetic...

Words: 286

Pages: 2

The Importance of an Internship

The Internship Experience The internship is an essential stage in the educational curriculum since it gives students the opportunity to relate some of the lessons learned theoretically and those learned in classrooms. Employers are seeking for highly experienced, skilled, and talented employees. Through an internship at Ezkubang Enterprise, I gained more...

Words: 1561

Pages: 6

Impact of Chatbots on Business World

Chatbots and their Impact on Business Chatbots are artificial intelligence or computer programs that allow contemporary business organizations to connect with their target audiences through the use of applications such as Messenger, WeChat, Telegram, and even WhatsApp (Barker 2017). The chatbots play a crucial role in developing and guiding communication between...

Words: 1783

Pages: 7

The Impact of Technology on Wal-Mart

Introduction Each and every organization has to understand its PESTLE factors that exist in its business environment so as to be able to determine how best it can use these factors to expand and increase its production. The mastery of how best these factors can be analyzed and implicated in the...

Words: 2496

Pages: 10

Tourism in Developing Countries

Tourism and Its Economic Impact Tourism is related to other disciplines including psychology, sociology, geography, etc. and is among the leading and fastest growing industries in the world. Studies indicate that recreational travel and tourism began in the early 1900s when Romans travelled to parts of Greece and Egypt for pleasure...

Words: 1634

Pages: 6

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