Art Theory

Art theory aims to broaden one's understanding of art or to theorize on art without using classical definitions. Art is important in society as it's through art that we preserve human culture and traditions. The society can express itself through artwork where one's message can be immortalized in a piece of art, and the piece of artwork can be sold or moved around the world. Art plays a role in contemporary society, political activism as well as in social circles where the artwork is displayed.

       Aesthetic in art refers to the phenomenal experience and aesthetic definitions used to identify artworks to artefacts. An example is with nature it's beautiful and produces aesthetic experiences though it does not possess the functions to produce the experience hence for such a function an artist is needed to produce the intention. Attachment encompasses an understanding of behavioral and cognitive aspects of early childhood experiences which are internalized. Often it's possible to get [1]attached with a piece of art as it reminds or does speak to one's personality. Mimesis is a philosophical term that has a range of meanings which include representation, imitation, mimicry and self-presentation.

Cognitive psychology.

     Cognitive psychology examines the mental processes such as learning, problem solving, memory and language. How people think, perceive, communicate, learn and remember. This branch is closely related to disciplines such as philosophy, linguistics, and neuroscience. It's used to understand how people acquire, store information and process it.

Evolutionary psychology.

       Evolution psychology looks at human behavior and how it's been affected by psychological adjustments during evolution. Just as biologists studied natural selection and sexual selection during evolution, this branch applies psychology to the same logic of thinking. An evolutionary psychologist looks at how human behavior has been affected by psychological adjustments during evolution. He or she believes for instance that memory perception or language is as a result of natural selection. Also, enhances the cognitive ability of patients with cognitive impairment. Also used to evaluate succeeded brain injury to determine the cause of behavioral problems.[2]

     Art theory does not use specific definitions hence it's important as it gives the artist room to try out different concepts of art. They are several art theories example institutional, formalism and historical theories. The nature of art that's held by an object becomes art in the context of the art world which is the institution according to the institutional theory. The merit of this theory is based on one's high regard for and understanding of art as they are individuals who don't value art. It's important for the artist as with the art world the artist's work is considered phenomenal by fellow artists.

       The disadvantage of this theory is that it's limited to the art world which is the institution. It's believed that for something to be considered art, according to the historical theory, it has to bear some relation to existing works of art. The merit of this theory is that the piece of art has to be relevant hence the artist has to work extra on creativity. The disadvantage is the art may be obsolete if it does not have any relation to existing artworks. This theory gives meaning to society as artworks are related to one another.


BORGO, Stefano, and Pascal HITZLER. "Some Open Issues after Twenty Years of Formal Ontology." In Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference (FOIS 2018), vol. 306, p. 1. IOS Press, 2018.

Cole, Anne Jodon. "Post-colonialism: Dead or Alive?: How Indigenous Peoples Voices are heard in rock art at National Museums." In 20th International Rock Art Congress Ifrao 2018. Edizioni Del Centro, 2018.


Cole, Anne Jordon. "Post-colonialism: Dead or Alive? How Indigenous Peoples Voices are heard in rock art at National Museums." In 20th International Rock Art Congress Ifrao 2018. Edizioni Del Centro, 2018.


BORGO, Stefano, and Pascal HITZLER. "Some Open Issues after Twenty Years of Formal Ontology." In Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference (FOIS 2018), vol. 306, p. 1. IOS Press, 2018.

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