Classification Essays

Classification essays belong to simpler academic tasks, especially if you have free essay examples to use as a reference. The purpose of this paper is to classify provided ideas, objects, or publications according to a category or specific qualities. The essay examples in our list contain various topics, so you can choose among them to see how this classification must be done. Remember that it is not a comparison assignment, which means that you do not have to compare but only to sort your findings based on particular criteria. Pay attention to formatting rules found in every essay example, especially the introduction part that must explain why you have used a certain classification method.

The Meaning of Home

My Home and the Void Without Jake My home used to be a place where I would feel the comfort of my family. Now I only feel an apparent emptiness, void of the joy I used to feel. This type of sorrow surrounds me, and I am caught in the dark,...


Words: 821

Pages: 3

The Contingency Model of Leadership

Contingency Model by Fred Fiedler Created in the mid-1960s, Fred Fiedler's contingency model asserts that the effectiveness of leadership ultimately depends upon the existing situation; consequently, it is not based on the leadership style rather on the control the leader has over a certain situation. Therefore, rather than simply teaching individuals...

Words: 356

Pages: 2

The Reasons Behind Illegal Immigration

The Importance of Border Control The United States has spent a lot of the taxpayer's money on border control. Illegal immigration is one of the reasons why border control is crucial. Illegal immigration increases security risks in the country as some of these migrants can be terrorists or enemies of the...

Words: 285

Pages: 2

Analysis of Dylan Thomas's Poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Dylan Thomas was a famous poet and writer who was born in the year 1914 in south Wales, Swansea; he passed on in 1953 in New York City. He wrote Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night as a message to implore his dying father, David John Thomas to...

Words: 1176

Pages: 5

The Role of Stand-Up Comedy in Colleges

Comedy on College Campuses Flanagan holds that the comedy that can be performed at contemporary college campuses are the ones that entertain the crowds and make them enjoy without offending even a single student. These comedians involved are those who understand political correctness and know the sensitive areas that should not...

Words: 364

Pages: 2

Robert Owen's New Lanark Mills

Robert Owen: Improving the Lives of Children Robert Owen was born in 1771 and lived through the ages of romanticism and enlightenment (Davis "O’Hagan, 2014). During this period, there were advancements and dramatic changes in the economic and social ideas. Robert believed that he had the ability to contribute to social...

Words: 918

Pages: 4

The Benefits of Being in a Group

Life is full of challenges. However, our response to the difficulties makes life worth living. Born in Poland in 1965, I had a family made up of a husband and one son by the name Jake. My husband was the sole breadwinner and pillar of the family. When my son...

Words: 580

Pages: 3

The Theme, Character, Symbolism, Influence in Language and Writing of George Orwell

The research paper focuses on George Orwell who was an English journalist, essayist and novelist who created awareness of social injustices, articulated prose, supported democratic socialism and opposition to totalitarianism. He wrote fiction, poetry, literary criticism, and polemical journalism. He is known to have written the novel like Animal Farm,...

Words: 977

Pages: 4

Why the US Government Should Continue to Fund NASA

The Issue of Budget Allocations and the Government The issue of budget allocations and the government is always a hot topic for discussion. But what if the budget allocations fall on NASA and their space exploration programs? Is it still worth it? Some people would argue that the country can better...

Words: 1531

Pages: 6

Strengths and Weaknesses of Writing

Strengths and Weaknesses in Writing I think the skill of writing is an intricate and problematic practice. As such, proper writing needs cautious planning, insight, revision, and copy editing and it takes time to develop and perfect. While some people may think that writing is something natural, I believe that writing...

Words: 619

Pages: 3

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